Page 119 of Blinded By Hate
I feel a featherlight touch on my cheek making me stir. I push the hand away but keep my eyes closed. I turn towards Jaclyn’s warm body and wrap my arms around her.
The poking doesn’t stop though and I end up hearing giggling shortly after.
I open my eyes and turn my head to look behind me. Junior has a guilty look on his face with a small teasing smirk.
Fuck, what time is it?
I look over Jaclyn and see her clock reads 7:32.
Doesn’t she have work at like eight or eight thirty?
“We’re gonna be late and mama hates being late,” Junior whispers. “Why don’t you and mama have a shirt on?” he asks, tilting his head to the side and furrowing his eyebrows, looking just like his mother.
I look at Jaclyn, the covers are up to her chest thankfully so Junior can’t see anything.
“Go to the living room. I’ll be there to make some food for you,” I tell Junior and he runs out of the room, not closing the door behind him.
I kiss Jaclyn’s shoulder softly and take a strand of her hair between my fingers. I wish I could just stay in bed with her forever but I know she would want to go to work. I also know that I could easily provide for her and Junior and she wouldn’t even need to think about working.
But it’s not my choice, it’s up to Jaclyn and what she wants to do with her career. I know she’s always loved writing and being a writer so I would hate for her to quit her passion just cause I can provide for her.
Jaclyn’s always been super independent. From the moment I met her she never needed a prince charming or someone to help her.
But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to help her or be there for her.
After staring at her for too long I whisper, “Jaclyn,” while running my fingers through her hair. “You’ve got to wake up.” I kiss the spot below her ear making her stir.
She moans softly, making my dick twitch.
We already went at it like three times in total last night.
Once on the floor, the other times in her bed with her on her hands and knees and ass in the air, and then her laying on her side, too tired and spent with me thrusting in her fast and hard.
I can see why she’s tired. I wore her out last night, not giving her a single break but I just missed her. I missed the way her body would cling onto me, desperate to have me and never let me go.
“It’s about to be 7:40. You need to wake up, princess,” I whisper again and that seems to make her open her eyes and look at the clock.
“Shit.” Jaclyn gets out of bed and throws the covers off her. She gets out of bed and closes the door. She goes to her closet while I get out of bed and walk towards her. “I’m going to be so late. I was supposed to wake up at seven. I need to make breakfast and get ready and then take Junior-”
I cut her off by grabbing her chin to make her look at me. “Calm,” I whisper, keeping eye contact with her. “I’ll get Junior ready and make breakfast. You just get ready. If you need me to take Junior to school this morning, I will.” Jaclyn stares at me not saying anything, worry still present on her face. I know she would always worry about being late. She never liked being late; only, always on time. “Understand?” she nods her head and because I can’t help it, I lean down and kiss her softly. “Stop being in your head and worrying so much.” I get away from her before I decide to make her even later for work.
Plus Junior is here and awake so I don’t want him thinking I’m killing his mom or something.
I put on my shorts from last night and then my sweater.
When I walk out of the room I see Junior standing in front of the TV. Jumping up and down while watching some dog movie.
“What do you usually have for breakfast?” I ask while walking into the kitchen.
Junior runs over to me. “Well, when mama is running late I have cereal. Usually though Brandon comes over and helps mama out with feeding me while she gets ready. He always likes making sure she eats.”
Why would that motherfucker come over to have to make sure Jaclyn eats breakfast every morning?