Page 123 of Blinded By Hate
Maybe Hayden is into her too.
Or maybe, just maybe, I should fucking make her lose her job for talking to Hayden, my Hayden, like that.
“I appreciate the comments, Ms. Johnson, truly but I’m here for our son. I could care less what you think of me. So if we could go on with the meeting without mentioning my fights or career that would be great,” Hayden says while running a thumb over my hand.
Ms. Johnson blushes and nods her head. “Of course, Mr. Night. I apologize.” Ms. Johnson put her notes together from Junior’s folder. “Junior is doing really well with all his letters and spelling. He’s a very bright kid. Only thing he’s struggling a bit in is some of his math.”
Ms. Johnson starts to go on about Junior and how he’s doing in school and with the other classmates.
She says he is one of the friendliest kids here with a good heart. Hayden listens throughout the whole time and asks questions every now and then to learn more.
Hayden holds my hand the entire time while listening to her while I hold his hand back.
“Overall, Junior is doing great.”
“Can you tell at all if he’ll need special ed or anything for math?” I ask, wondering if he's like me in school, struggling.
Ms. Johnson shrugs. “It's too hard to tell now. We’ll have to wait until he’s a bit older. But I wouldn’t be worried, Ms. King. He is doing well. You should be very proud of him.” I smile and nod my head. “Well that concludes this meeting.” Ms. Johnson gathers her papers together. “I have to talk to my next parents but it was lovely talking to you both.”
Hayden and I both stand up. “Nice meeting you, thank you for doing everything you do for our son,” he says and I swear that the green monster is about to come up again until he says, “Let’s go, princess.”
“You go, I’ll catch up,” I say to Hayden quietly.
Hayden raises an eyebrow, questioning me but I smile and nod my head. Hayden lets go of my hand and smiles at Ms. Johnson before walking out the door. I look at Ms. Johnson and walk up to her desk.
She looks up at me with a raised eyebrow. “Is there an issue Ms. King?’
“Yes. Look at and talk to my husband like that again and I’ll get you fired so quickly you’ll regret doing that,” I say, keeping my composure calm.
Ms. Johnson's face turns red and she laughs nervously. “Ms. King, it wasn’t my intention to threaten you. I didn’t even know you were married.”
We aren’t, but I’m sure with Hayden’s dedication we will be. “We are and I hope me telling you this is a lesson for you not to do it next time I come in with my husband. Know your place, which is being my son's teacher. That’s all you are to Hayden and all you’ll ever be. You’ll be smart to keep that in mind. Understood?”
Ms. Johnson nods her head. “Of course.”
“Good. Have a good rest of your day, Ms. Johnson,” I say before leaving out the door.
“I don’t understand why you’re mad,” Hayden says as we walk through the front door of the apartment.
Junior is at Brandon’s house right now because I know Hayden wanted to talk as soon as we walked through the front door of the apartment. I told Junior to just sleep over there and then Brandon can bring him back in the morning.
I just know that Hayden and I need to talk about everything.
My jealousy, Hayden’s job and what that means for us, what exactly we’re doing, Junior’s health, and probably more.
“If anyone should be pissed off it’s me,” Hayden says as I put my stuff on the counter and walk into my room, with Hayden following after me. “You don’t tell me about Junior, you don’t tell me about Junior’s fucking health condition, and then don’t even get me started on the pills and starving yourself.”
I furrow my eyebrows, acting shocked about the last statement even though anxiety is running through my veins.
How does he know?
How does he know?