Page 72 of Blinded By Hate
I lean down and my lips graze her ear lightly. Jaclyn chuckles and pushes herself closer to me. “You’re my favorite thing ever,” I say before the doors of the elevator open. I step back from her and grab her hand, pulling her out of the elevator. We walk to her door, hand in hand. And it almost feels normal. “Where is your key card?” I look down at her and she just smirks up at me with glossy eyes.
Jaclyn holds a finger and giggles. She looks through her purse and pulls it out, showing it to me with a big proud smile on her face.
I unlock the door and we get inside as I hold onto her so she doesn’t trip. I sit her down on the bed and she flops on her back and stares up at the ceiling. I look around her room and find her suitcase. I grab a t-shirt and shorts for her to wear and walk back to her. She is just watching me with a smile still present on her face.
“Stand up,” I say, grabbing her hand and helping her stand up. “Can you change yourself?”
She smirks and pushes herself against me, going on her tippy toes. Her lips graze my ear and she says, “I want you to help me.”
I swear I could give this girl the world if she said please.
And God, I want to help.
I want to do a lot more than help her.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, princess.” I narrow my eyes at her and she pouts.
“Please? I can’t do it.”
I nip my bottom lip and let out a deep sigh. “Okay.” Jaclyn smiles. I motion for her to spin. “Turn around.” Jaclyn turns around and I grip the black dress in my hands, trying my best not to just rip the thing off of her. I pull it over her head and her bare back faces me. I can’t help but look down at her ass. She is wearing a black lace thong. I hold in a groan and look away from how perfect her ass is. I swear, one day this girl will bring me to my knees. Jaclyn stays still as I change her. She turns around and holds onto my shoulders as I put her shorts on. I then grab her by her legs and wrap them around my waist. I walk to her bathroom and rest her on the counter. “Where are your makeup wipes?”
“My bag.”
I walk out of the restroom and look through her big makeup bag. I open it and immediately see a pink vibrator in a zip lock bag.
Images appear in my head.
Jaclyn on her bed, in the middle of the night. She’s arching her back and her hand is playing with her nipple while the other is thrusting the vibrator inside her roughly.
God, the things I would do to see that vision come to life.
I don’t just want Jaclyn, I need her.
Almost like I need air.
She is such an addiction, it’s hard to simply just get rid of her. She is engraved inside my body and there is no way to get her out.
I put the vibrator back and go back to the bathroom, trying to calm down and focus on getting her in bed and then getting the fuck out of here.
I wipe Jaclyn’s makeup off in silence while she just swings her legs back and forth and I try to think of anything, anything to get my mind of that vibrator.
She yawns a few times, making me know she’s tired.
I grab her, once the makeup is off her face and I gently place her in bed and she stares up at me with those big brown eyes as I put the blanket on her.
I check my phone and go to the Dexcom follow app I still have on it.
After five years of not speaking or being in contact with her, I still have the app on my phone to make sure she is still alive and okay.
She doesn’t know I have the app still on my phone.
Her blood sugar is 247.
“Did you do your Lantus?” She shakes her head no. I grab her purse and find her Lantus. “Is it still 31 units?” I ask her while prepping the shot and putting the needle on the pen. Jaclyn nods her head, still awake but her eyes are slowly falling. I pull the blanket down once the shot is prepped. I grab her arm, the one without the Dexcom, and push the needle slowly into her arm. Jaclyn doesn’t flinch, instead she keeps her eyes on me while I take the shot out. “Didn’t hurt?”
“No,” she whispers.
I put the needle in an empty bottle and then her Lantus back in her purse. I go back to Jaclyn and lean down to press a kiss to her forehead. “Goodnight, princess,” I whisper and am about to turn around but Jaclyn grabs my bicep. “What?”