Page 115 of Brandt's Rule
Tempest watched as Barron hurried away, then in her head voice spoke to Brandt. What’s with Barron and Emmalyn?
Mates. He acknowledges it, she doesn’t. Didn’t become apparent until the end of high school. She likes to travel and work, he’s happy to just be home. He’s chased after her for years, and is trying a new approach.
Tempest’s laughter filled his head. Just might work. She seems perturbed.
He’s hoping.
“Can anybody tell me about the fox family living between me and Remi? We got new people in the clan?” Christian asked.
“We’ll see. They needed a place to stay. The female is pregnant and they already have a toddler. Found them hunting on our land and when I found out their situation, I offered them an option to living in a den all winter long,” Brandt said. “The males are going to work in exchange for housing, but I’m paying them, too. They’ll need other things than just a house.”
“Doesn’t surprise me. It’s just what I’d expect from you. He seemed friendly enough. Waved when I stopped by to drop my things off at home and turn on the heater. Didn’t talk to him, but waved from a distance.”
“He is nice. He was very excited when we took him a Christmas tree and decorations,” Tempest said.
“Yeah, he really was,” Brandt said, smiling at the happiness they’d created by giving the family a little Christmas surprise.
“When did y’all do that?” Barron called from across the room.
“Before we came here,” Brandt said. “Gonna drop off some gifts for the little boy later on, too, and Christmas dinner for tomorrow. It’ll be all cooked and ready to eat. All they’ll have to do is warm it.”
“I’m going to throw in a gift or two for the adults, too,” Tempest said.
Brandt smiled at Tempest and hugged her to his side.
“Christian!” Raeann exclaimed, coming out of the kitchen and seeing her big brother.
“Hey, little girl. Get over here and give your favorite brother a hug,” Christian said.
“I’m her favorite brother,” Jonah drawled.
“No, you’re just the one that lives at home,” Christian answered, winking at Tempest and Brandt before going off with his younger siblings.
“I was wondering where all the younger kids were,” Tempest said. “And Jobe and his family.”
“Maggie’s family has a big thing on Christmas Eve, it’s their year to spend it with her family. They’ll be here tomorrow,” Daisy said.
“Angelle is helping us build gingerbread houses in the kitchen,” Raeann said. “Are you Brandt’s wife?”
“Well, I’m his mate.”
“Close enough,” she said, looking at her mother.
“Same exact thing,” Natalie agreed. “Hello, Tempest. Welcome to our crazy.”
Tempest laughed, loving Natalie’s greeting.
“You laugh. But I mean it.”
“Thank you, very much.”
“Let me tell y’all something. “This is not crazy. You want to see crazy, let me take you to her people. Her grandfather threatened to skin me. Her daddy told me that if I hurt her, ever, he’d help her grandfather skin me. Then the gargoyle that found me wandering lost in the woods wouldn’t tell me where she was, just followed me around for hours yelling, you’re getting warmer, warmer, nope, now you’re cold again.”
Everybody laughed, especially Tempest. “Yeah, you know what’s crazier? The fact that you still insisted on me coming back with you. You saw it first hand and had an option to run, but refused to take a step without me. So, you tell me who’s crazier, them or you?”
“She’s got you there,” Maverik said, having joined them. Maverik sidled up to Brandt who still had his arm around Tempest. “Let me just let you know now, I knew you was back. I went over to your place just to make sure everything was alright. Scented Tempest was home and knew you fixed it, so I wouldn’t have to whip your ass for Christmas.”
“Thanks for the faith, Uncle Maverik.”