Page 114 of Brandt's Rule
Barron turned to the girl and his smile dimmed at little. “Yeah, it is.”
“Tempest, this is Emmalyn. She’s Bam and Everly’s youngest. Analise’s younger sister,” Brandt said.
Tempest smiled warmly at the girl and held out her hand. “Emmalyn, I’ve heard a lot about you. I’m very pleased to meet you.”
“Do not even act like we’ve never spoken. Get in here, give me a hug,” Emmalyn said.
Tempest was confused only for a second, then she realized this was the girl that had called on Brandt’s phone the morning after they’d first mated. She didn’t hesitate, she went in for a hug like she would with someone she’d known for years.
“There it is! We’re going to be besties. I can tell,” Emmalyn said.
“She’s already got a bestie. Bailey from the coffee shop,” Remi said, moving Emmalyn out of his way to hug Tempest himself.
“Oh? And how is Bailey?” Emmalyn asked, looking knowingly at Remi.
“She’s great. She’s working at the coffee shop until six tonight, then spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with her family,” Remi said before Tempest had a chance to say anything.
Emmalyn smirked and shared a secret wink with Tempest.
Tempest wasn’t quite sure what the secret wink was about, but felt certain Brandt could help her decipher it later. So she agreed with Remi. “Exactly what he said.”
“Can’t have enough besties, right?” Emmalyn said.
“Right, I’d be proud to have you as mine,” Tempest said.
“Great,” Barron said sarcastically, wandering away from them, which put a frown on Emmalyn’s face as she turned and followed him.
“Hello, Tempest,” a really attractive male said, extending his hand to shake Tempest’s.
“I’m sorry, Uncle Vince. Tempest, this is my Uncle Vince. He’s Aunt Valerie’s brother. And this is his mate, Aunt Natalie.”
“I’m pleased to meet you,” Tempest said as they all embraced.
Brandt caught her eye and quickly apologized. “We’re a hugging bunch. Sorry.”
Tempest shook her head. “I like it. It makes you feel welcome.”
“Or at least let’s you know how big to dig the grave out back, right?” Goldy shouted from across the room.
Everybody in the house laughed as Sadie chided him while trying to hide her grin.
“Knock, knock, y’all start without me?” Christian asked, letting himself in the front door.
“Not at all!” Delilah said, welcoming him.
Christian made the rounds of the adults, including his parents quickly before joining the younger generation. “Hey,” he said, doing some kind of special handshake with Brandt, Barron, Remi, and Ronan. He hugged the girls, then came to Tempest. “You must be our… I don’t whether to call you Luna, or Reigna, or Alpha-ess, but at any rate, I’m pleased that you’re here. I’m Christian, at your service.”
“Hello, Christian. I’ve heard a lot about you. And Tempest does just fine.”
“Hey, I like that. Our Alpha and his Tempest. I think we’ll intimidate more people with a Tempest than any other kind of Alpha’s mate anyway,” Ronan said.
“Works for me,” Brandt said, grinning proudly as Tempest leaned into him.
“And me. Our very own Tempest, we’ll need a storm warning!” Barron said, making a circle around the room and ending up back with them.
“I like it, too!” Emmalyn said, coming over to join the conversation now that Barron was back in the group.
“Going to help in the kitchen,” Barron said, walking away, clearly showing his displeasure at Emmalyn following him around the family gathering.