Page 44 of His Treasured Mate
“What? No. I’ve gotten bigger with each pregnancy. Sam says it’s because my stomach muscles are basically non-existent at this point.”
“Maybe,” she said, but she didn’t sound too certain of that.
“Trust me, if there was more than one kid in there, we’d know it. Sam obsessively checks via ultrasound, and I’ve had weekly visits with him since I hit the twenty-week mark. Only ever one heartbeat. With as paranoid as this guy right here is, I’m lucky Sam hasn’t just moved in with us already.”
Thomas glared at me, but we both knew it was true.
“How are you feeling after the flight, Lily?” Micah asked.
“I’m fine. Thomas is just being extra cautious.”
“Can we head inside for a quick check, or would you prefer to come down to the clinic?”
“Inside so we can just get it over with.”
We left Maddie and Liam there while Thomas, Micah, and Lucy followed me inside and up to my old bedroom.
I knew the routine well, so I removed my pants and underwear and climbed up on to the bed with my knees up.
Micah looked surprised.
“I’ve got this,” Lucy said. “Does Sam always do an internal check?”
“No, but after that flight and Thomas’s nerves he would, so I just assumed.”
She frowned a little as she checked me.
“Only thirty-three weeks?”
I nodded.
“And we’re sure it’s just one?”
“One hundred percent sure.”
“Your baby is sitting low and you’re about one centimeter dilated, but your cervix looks good and thick, no effacement yet. You aren’t in active labor by any means, and you could ride out the remainder of the pregnancy one to two centimeters dilated, but I’d place my bet that this kid isn’t going to stay put for that long. How far along were you when you delivered your last child?”
I snorted. “Almost forty-three weeks. We weren’t sure she was ever coming out of there.”
“Have any of your children come early?”
“No,” Thomas answered for me.
“Well then, it’s probably normal and nothing to worry about.”
“Nothing to worry about? She’s only thirty-three weeks. It’s too soon for her to be dilating.”
“Thomas, I’m fine. That’s normal. You’re just freaking out over nothing. This kid will come when she’s ready and not a moment sooner. Nothing we can do about that, but I am not going to just lie around with my feet in the air trying to keep her in until then.”
“So it’s another girl?” Micah asked.
I shrugged. “Probably. The odds are certainly in favor of team pink.”
Thomas groaned.
“Sounds like someone is rooting for team blue,” Lucy said.
“Always. Or at least right up until they lay our newest baby girl in his arms, then he instantly falls in love and can’t imagine having a son.”