Page 43 of His Treasured Mate
“It’s not the baby, you idiot. You’re projecting a lot of pain right now and it just blindsided me.”
“Wait, you guys can feel each other on that level now?” MC asked.
“Apparently. It’s been getting stronger lately but new enough that we’re still adjusting.”
“It’s starting to happen to us too,” she confessed. “I didn’t want to mention it because it’s kind of hard to describe.”
“Right? It’s driving me crazy. Add these pregnancy hormones to the mix and I honestly feel like I’m losing my mind.”
“I’m not sure it was ever there to lose,” Liam teased.
I shot him a look that made him laugh.
The way Maddie looked up at him with hope in her eyes, I knew I hadn’t been imagining things when he’d first walked in. Something was wrong. Liam was stressed out more than usual. We’d always had this weird twin thing where I knew when something was bothering him. I thought I’d been feeling it lately, but I couldn’t be sure with the new invasion of Thomas’s emotions affecting me so strongly.
“Are you really okay?” Thomas asked.
I hated worrying about him, but honestly, it had been a good distraction from our previous conversation.
“I’m fine.”
“Why don’t I call Micah to come and do a quick evaluation just to be sure? I’m sure Thomas will feel a lot better about it,” Liam suggested.
“That’s a good idea,” MC said.
I just rolled my eyes. They were all going to baby me now, even if I suspected my best friend was just using it as a distraction away from the actual issue.
“Guys, I’m fine,” I protested. “This isn’t my first time being pregnant. I know what it feels like to go into labor, and this is not it.”
“Get him over here as soon as possible,” Thomas said, completely ignoring me.
I didn’t bother to argue it any further. If that’s what it took to calm him down, then I guess that was just what I was going to have to do.
“I didn’t mean to keep it from you. I didn’t even want to. At first, it was eating me alive. And then, with time, it just didn’t seem to ever be the right time. I’m glad you know now.”
He nodded, but I knew he still wasn’t happy about it.
“Look, I know how you feel. I wasn’t thrilled about it at first either. But like it or not, he’s good for Oscar and it’s helped Jenna a lot, too. She got her sister back in the deal. Oscar’s a great big brother, and he adores Lake and River as much as Sara and Enzo. What kind of father would I be if I denied him that? Besides, what do I know about tiger traits? Even if he turns out to be a wolf, he could still have traits of a tiger, right?”
“I don’t know,” Thomas told him honestly.
“Exactly. This wasn’t easy for any of us. But it’s okay, man. We’ve all adjusted. If I can manage to forgive him, so can you.”
“Maybe,” he muttered.
I knew we would most likely have to talk about it later, but that was best done in private. For now, I was actually grateful when Micah and his mate, Lucy, arrived.
“Lily. Thomas. It’s good to see you again,” Micah said. “Now what’s going on?”
“She’s pregnant,” Liam stated the obvious.
“Clearly,” Lucy teased. “How far along are you?”
“About thirty-three weeks.”
She looked at me like I was crazy.
“Are you expecting twins?”