Page 60 of Until We Weren't
Destiny smiled. “Yeah, we loved each other before and look what happened.”
“But the love is still there,” Monica said, “and look where you are. Neither one of you got very far away from the other.”
Destiny nodded. “I’ll see you on Monday.”
Monica chuckled. “Have fun on your date. I can’t wait to hear all about it.”
Destiny opened the front door and waved as she walked to her truck. She couldn’t help but think about what Monica had said. Faith had come to her office at the end of the day two times this week and Destiny had gone to her office the other day. They were working on the bid, but they also spent time sharing the happenings of their days. Now that she thought about it, they’d been together every day this week.
Destiny smiled as she turned on the street to Faith’s shop. She was excited to finish up the project today, but honestly, she was looking forward to this date even more. Faith wouldn’t tell her what they were doing and promised to reveal all once they were finished with work.
Her thoughts drifted back to what Monica said about neither of them getting very far away from each other. Had their love kept them close? Had their hearts found a way to bring them back together?
One thing Destiny knew for sure was that Faith Fields was in her heart to stay. With each passing day, the more they were together, the more Destiny wanted. They worked later and later each night, blaming it on the importance of this bid, but the reality was that they loved being together.
Destiny thought they weren’t social enough before, but she was beginning to remember why. She was just as guilty because she liked having Faith to herself.
She chuckled as she pulled around to the back of the shop. Faith had told her to park back there since they had a date tonight.
Before Destiny could get out of the truck she saw Faith come out of the building and into the shop. The smile on her face told Destiny she was just as glad to see her.
“Would you two want to take a break this evening and have a beer with us?” Mark asked as Destiny walked into the shop. She looked at Faith and raised her brows. This was Faith’s plan tonight so it was up to her, but Destiny hoped it would be just them this evening.
“We are so close to finishing the layout of the gardens,” Faith said. “I promise we’ll meet you next time.”
“That’s what you always say,” Mark replied.
“She means it this time,” Destiny said. “We found a new bar y’all need to try with us.”
“Oh, yeah,” Mark said. “Faith told us about the karaoke bar.”
“You’ll get to see it next Saturday for my birthday party,” Faith said.
Mark grinned at both of them. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
Destiny held her hands out to her side. “You can trust me on this one, Mark. Just wait until you hear your boss sing.”
“Count me in,” one of the other workers said. “Can we bring someone with us?”
Destiny had only met the other workers briefly on Wednesday, but if she remembered correctly, the woman’s name was Bailey. “Sure,” Destiny replied. “The more the merrier.”
“Are your teams coming as well?” Mark asked. “What about Jake?”
“Yep, Jake will be there,” Destiny replied. “I’m not sure if you know Claire. She runs my other team.”
“I know Claire,” Bailey said. “That’s who I wanted to bring with me.”
Mark gasped and stared at Bailey. “Oh, my God!” he exclaimed. “You can’t be friends with anyone at The Green Thumb. They’re our enemies!”
“Ha ha,” Destiny said. “We’ll all be working together if we win this bid.”
“When,” Faith corrected her. “When we win this bid.”
Mark laughed. “Hell, yeah! You said it, boss.”
“Okay, we’d better get to work,” Faith said. “I can’t wait to see the entire thing.”
“Me, too,” Destiny said, walking towards the office.