Page 61 of Until We Weren't
“Hey,” Faith said to her team. “Y’all can shut down early today. There’s nothing that can’t wait until Monday. Enjoy your weekend.”
“Thanks,” Bailey said, hurriedly getting her things together.
“My, oh my,” Mark said. “I love having happy Faith back.”
Faith smirked at Mark and Destiny chuckled as she looked on. She had to agree with Mark, having happy Faith back was amazing. Happy Faith was fucking gorgeous. Her blue eyes sparkled and when she glanced over at Destiny, she felt her heart skip a beat. Not trusting her voice, all Destiny could do was smile.
“They act like I never let them leave early,” Faith said, walking past Destiny and into the office.
“Hi, Amy,” Destiny said, following Faith inside.
“Hi, Destiny. Someone has been watching the front windows anxiously awaiting your arrival,” Amy said.
Destiny looked over at Faith and raised her brows. Faith shrugged.
“I couldn’t wait to get here,” Destiny admitted. “It’s probably not for the reason you think,” she said quietly to Faith.
“Oh?” Faith asked.
“I’m excited to see the layout, but I’m very curious about our date tonight,” Destiny replied.
The biggest smile grew on Faith’s face and Destiny thought her heart might just beat out of her chest.
“Get to work, you two,” Amy said, “so you can get finished and have fun.” She closed her computer and gathered her things to leave. “I’ll lock the front door. See you on Monday.”
“Thanks, Amy,” Faith replied. “See you Monday.”
After Amy left, Faith turned to Destiny. “Let’s get this done so the date can begin.”
Destiny chuckled, got her laptop out, and set it next to Faith’s on her desk. They both went to work tapping their keyboards.
“Okay,” Faith said. “I emailed you my garden and finished up the changes we made to the main building.”
“Great,” Destiny said, staring at her screen. “Let me upload everything into the program and we should be able to view our masterpiece in video format.”
“Masterpiece.” Faith chuckled. “I know you’re kidding, but it may very well be.”
“This should give us a view like we’re touring the property,” Destiny said. “I can pause and zoom in whenever we want.” She hit one more key and looked over at Faith. “Are you ready?”
Faith held out her hand and looked up at Destiny. “Let’s go.”
Destiny slipped her fingers between Faith’s and held her hand. Her heart was pounding in her chest at the excitement of what they were about to see, but at the same time, sweet memories of holding hands with Faith flooded her brain. They were never big on public displays of affection, but they did hold hands whenever they were together. It always made Destiny feel closer to Faith and it was a way to show her love.
Destiny took a deep breath and clicked the play button.
The video started as a wide view of the property. It was as if they were walking to the main entrance then veered around on the path to the other buildings. When they went around the back of the main building the little shack came into view.
When they’d started working on the project, whenever Destiny glimpsed the shack, she could feel the emotions of the night they were trapped. The scene would replay in her mind. First came the fear of not getting to Faith before the dogs attacked. It was like a sharp pain in the pit of her stomach. She remembered the heat, the sweat, and the darkness. The hurt from the truth of Faith’s story always made it a little darker.
But one day Destiny’s view began to change. She smiled when she saw the shack now. It felt like their love had been buried deep in darkness and hurt, but that night it burst through the surface into the light, much like the seeds they sometimes planted. Somehow that night it rose above the darkness and demanded to once again be seen and be felt.
The path wasn’t easy, but their love, just like the plants, had survived and it was up to them to tend and nurture it.
“Look, Des,” Faith said softly.
Destiny could hear the wonder in her voice.
“It’s beautiful,” Faith continued. “It makes the building interesting and welcoming. It’s definitely unique. I’ve never seen anything like it. One thing’s for sure: it’s eye-catching and elicits emotion. They should love that.”