Page 22 of Kissing the Kelpie
I turn my head in the direction the voices came from to see how close they are. Shit, they have no idea what’s going on. How could they? Em hasn’t left my side, and Erin’s doing her best to keep Ana occupied.
Of course my daughter would want to come here; she’s either ready for her morning bath or come to pick flowers to make loofahs.
The flowers here are brighter and smell sweeter than the others in the forest. But she can’t be here now. Not with Finn on the edge of death, looking like a monster. If she meets him, when she meets him, I want him in his human form so it’s easier for her to accept.
“Let’s try to fill the basket to the top.” Erin’s bubbly voice sounds closer. Before I get a word out, Em is already on his feet.
“I’ll send them elsewhere.”
“No!” I reach for his hand and use it to help me stand. The trees swirl around me. “You might frighten Ana.”
“That’s nonsense, that child loves me.”
“Of course she does, but,” I close my eyes, trying to wait out the sour feeling in my stomach. “She hasn’t been home in days, and this is her favorite place. It’s too much for her.”
Ana giggles. I know if I don’t cut them off, she will be here in less than a minute.
“Stay.” I plead. “If he needs anything, help him. Please.”
Em nods. “I will. I promise.”
Before he can complain or tell me not to, I wrap him in a quick hug.
Chapter 16
Ana’s excited voice tells me that I made the right choice coming to her myself. She might not realize she misses me, but she still needs to see me and be reassured that I’m okay, and a hug from her will reenergize my stores of strength.
As I walk the final few feet toward my daughter, I strain my brain. I need an excuse to turn her and Erin around and send them back to the cave.
“Mama, look, a horsie!” Ana’s eyes light with excitement.
My mouth goes dry as I look around frantically for any sign of the white horse. Life with Finn around is going to be an adjustment, that’s for sure. On the bright side, if he’s out of the spring, he’s feeling better.
I give the area a quick scan but don’t see him. Unlike the last time Ana noticed a horse in the forest, she isn’t pointing him out. Probably because she doesn’t want me to go bat-shit crazy on her again. Instead, she holds tight to her basket with both hands.
“Ana,” Erin scolds gently, resting her hand on my daughter’s shoulder. “You can’t run off to look for the horse.”
“Pleeease! I want to ride it. Pleeease!”
Out of the corner of my eye, I see movement. A dark shadow. But then the shadow steps closer, and it isn’t a shadow at all. I rush toward my daughter, ready to stop her if she makes a move toward the dripping-wet black horse.
The creature looks harmless, save for its eerie green eyes, a much darker green than I’ve ever seen. His haunting eyes hold a darkness, a wickedness that sends a shudder of fear down my spine. The animal steps forward, its focus on my daughter.
“Anastasia,” I yell. “Don’t move!” There’s no time to wait for Em. I pray that he can hear my silent S.O.S.
“I just want to touch.” Ana yanks free from Erin’s grasp.
“NO!” I yell.
Before she can get her hand on it, I rush between the horse and my daughter with my arms outstretched on either side. I accidentally knock my daughter to the ground. She cries, most likely frightened by my strange behavior. I turn to help her up, but I can’t because one hand is stuck to the kelpie.
I pull in a large gulp of oxygen, ready to scream, but there isn’t time before the animal turns and speeds off. Fear sinks into my brain as my feet are ripped off the ground. I’m airborne, except when my body crashes into a tree or hits the dirt and ground cover below.
The wind is knocked out of me, and I can’t catch my breath. I choke and cough, trying to fill my burning lungs. My heart hammers against my chest so hard I think it may have broken my ribs. Or maybe the thick, solid tree trunks I’ve been knocked into did. All I know is that red-hot pain screams from every part of my body.