Page 23 of Kissing the Kelpie
I’m dizzy and can’t see straight. The pain in my head feels like the world's worst hangover hooked up with the mother of all migraines to create a new, more painful condition. Throbbing. Shooting pain. I never felt anything like this.
The back of my eyes throb as I try to gain visual footing. It’s useless. Everything blurs as I move. I blink my eyes, trying to clear them. It’s useless. Now my stomach wants in on the fun.
I gasp for air because if I don’t breathe, I’m going to black out, but instead, I dry heave, then vomit. Violently. Some of the sick slaps me in the face, which makes me want to throw up some more. I’m so off-kilter as the world spins, I can’t tell which way is up. Not that it matters. Not anymore.
I’m going to die. It’s a hard reality.
It’s all I can think about as the cold wetness around me grows. The sloshing sound of the horse trotting into the river fills my ears. He’s got me. It’s inevitable. I have no chance. Everything is happening just as Em said it would.
Burning pain forces a muted scream from my mouth. Submerged from head to toe in the river, I open my mouth. Water rushes in. This is how I’ll die. I’m going to drown.
I release a long breath, blowing bubbles in the water in front of me. I didn’t mean to. It’s harder to see. I want to scream, but I can’t. The sides of my neck feel like someone sliced them open with a razor blade, but I’m still moving. Still breathing somehow. I thrash around, trying to break free from the monster.
The water is cold, dark, and murky. The kelpie twists, and I know if I don’t break free soon, he’s going to sink his sharp teeth into my flesh and rip a piece off. His powerful tail comes from behind and slaps me with such force, it feels like I’ve been slammed into a brick wall. My head is woozy, and I’m not sure I can stay awake.
The kelpie spins, turning over on one side so that it acts like a funnel, then violently switches directions and rams his tail into me. Another large body joins the fray. Great. They’ll each take a side and rip me apart. My chance of survival was slim to none when it was just one kelpie. Slim just took off like a bat out of hell.
The Kelpie stops thrashing. Maybe he thinks I’m dead? I don’t know how or why, but my hand releases from its flank. Realizing I’m free, I use my arms to create distance between the monsters and me. Once I’m in calmer water, I’m able to make out the form that joined us. Finn.
I watch, helpless, as the two large seahorse-like creatures continue to fight, attacking one another, battering each other with their front legs and tails, rolling in the water, and using their teeth to bite and tear. As much as I want to, there’s nothing I can do to help Finn.
After what feels like forever, Finn turns to me with teeth bared. He’s terrifying. Even now I’m certain he won’t hurt me, that he’s no threat.
His attention returns to the dark creature. I can’t tell who, if anyone, is winning the battle. All I know is I can’t stay and watch. I want to tell him I love him. Because I do, but I don’t want to distract him, and there’s no way to speak to him anyway. Not now. Not in this watery hell.
Forcing myself to leave Finn and a chunk of my heart behind, I swim toward the light. I’m barely able to move my arms or kick. I struggle against the fatigue clouding my brain, telling me to close my eyes and nap. If I do, I’ll let everyone down. Especially Ana.
That’s not going to happen. That was the story of my life, and I will not allow that to be my legacy. My daughter will grow up being raised by her mother and the other creatures of the forest. And hopefully, by some miracle, with Finn by my side.
These thoughts spur me on until I break through the surface of the water.
Chapter 17
“Finn!” I scream. More like I whisper, because my voice is barely audible. My throat burns. It’s dry and hoarse, causing me to break into a coughing fit. Sweat blankets my skin as I try to shake the terrifying images from my mind.
Only they’re not clear. A dark horse, murky water. Finn coming at me, beating me with his large, powerful tail. My body trembles. Maybe I don’t want to remember.
I take my time sitting up and wait for the room to stop spinning before I look around. The house is quiet, and Ana is nowhere to be seen. I’m alone. I don’t remember how I got here. Was it a dream? I smooth my hands over my rounded belly.
No. Finn was real. That means the nightmare was too.
Getting to my feet, I feel sore and stiff. My head is woozy. I stumble to the kitchen area, where a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, and a brimberry muffin wait.
I scratch my head, confused. Did Erin leave the food for me? Did I prepare a dish for Ana and forget about it? I hate that I have lapses in my memory.
The last thing I remember was Finn fighting the dark kelpie. He’s not here with me. Was he hurt too? Did he lose to the other kelpie? Or did he change his mind about staying here with me?
I clasp the chain around my neck. I’m still wearing it. I wonder if it works even from a distance. It’s worth a shot.
“Come to me, Finn.”
Regardless of whether he shows up or not, I need to end the madness today. I’m going to pull myself together, get my daughter, and bring her home. In the meantime, it won’t hurt if I eat a little.
Loud, heavy footsteps thump outside, growing closer. My heart skips every other beat. I know it’s not likely; those footsteps sound too familiar, but… Could it be? Is it possible? My door opens.