Page 88 of Mia Amata
They rushed to the emergency desk where a nurse led them into a private consultation room. She told them a doctor would come to speak to them in a few minutes. None of them seemed to be able to sit, pacing back and forth. Finally, a lady walked in wearing a doctor’s jacket.
“Hi,” she said. “Are you Mattie’s family?”
Nora spoke up, “Yes, I’m her mother-in-law. This is my husband Donald and our son Josh, Mattie’s brother-in-law. Her husband is flying back from a conference as soon as possible.”
The doctor nodded. “I’m Dr.Jackson,” she said. “Mattie is in very serious condition. She has lost a lot of blood and, unfortunately, has gone into labor due to stress. I have to take her to surgery to repair her injuries from the gunshot and the stab wound. I have consulted with OB; they will perform a C-section to deliver the baby.”
Nora was crying, “It’s too soon for the baby.”
“We know, but if we don’t deliver now the baby won’t make it. As it is, I’m not sure Mattie will make it. Her heart has stopped twice since she got here. I’ve got to go, now. I’ll be back to update you as soon as I can.” With that, she rushed out of the consultation room before anyone could ask any questions.
Nora sat down, holding her head in her hands. Donald sat down to comfort her while Josh pulled out his cell phone again. He called Jacob, filling him in on what was going on. He then called Randy to fill her in also. He told her to get some rest if she could, it was going to be a long night.
They waited in the consultation room, alternating between pacing and sitting. It was about four hours later that the doctor came back, this time dressed in scrubs. Everyone jumped up at her entrance. “Please,” the doctor said, “sit down.” She pointed at the chairs, taking the one nearest to the door as everyone sat down. The doctor sighed, running her fingers through her hair.
“Dr.Jackson,” Nora said, “please tell us, how is Mattie doing?”
“I’m so sorry,” Dr.Jackson replied. “Mattie lost a lot of blood. The bullet splintered when it hit her rib. A piece of it nicked a major artery, the rest of it went through a lung.”
“What are you saying?” Donald asked.
“Mattie died on the operating table. We did everything we could, but there was too much damage and blood loss.”
“Oh my God,” Nora cried, weeping. Donald wrapped her in his arms, crying himself.
Josh had tears flowing too, but asked, “What about the baby?”
“The baby is fine,” Dr.Jackson said. “She is premature, but she seems well-developed and doing well. She has been taken to the NICU where they are monitoring her.”
“Can we see her?” Nora asked.
Dr.Jackson looked at them, “I will make arrangements for you all to see her, but it will have to be one at a time.”
“Thank you, doctor,” Donald said, as Dr.Jackson rose to leave.
She looked at them all, “I’m so sorry for your loss. I wish I could have done more.” She walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her. Nora, Donald, and Josh all burst into tears.
Josh pulled himself together, calling Randy. “Josh?” Randy said. “How is Mattie?”
She heard Josh sob. Then he said, “She’s gone, Randy. They couldn’t save her.”
Randy started crying, “Oh no. God no. What about the baby?”
“Jayden is alive. She is in the NICU and appears to be doing OK. They are monitoring her since she is premature.”
Randy cried for a little bit, then asked, “Does Jacob know?”
“No, I haven’t told him yet. I can’t bring myself to call him to tell him over the phone.”
Randy agreed, “I think you should wait; he will be so upset. Telling him over the phone before he flies here is not a good idea.”
Josh looked at his watch. “His plane leaves in about 25 minutes. I will wait to tell him. He is going to be devastated.”
“He is, but he has a daughter to think about. We will need to stress that to him.”
Josh agreed, “We get to see Jayden soon. We can only go one at a time, she is in the NICU.” Josh told Randy to try and get some sleep. “We are going to keep one of us at the hospital at all times for Jayden. We will need you to take over later.”
“I’ll be there,” Randy said. They hung up, Randy went to Lucky, lying on the floor next to him. “I’m so sorry, Lucky,” Lucky whined, it appeared to Randy like he understood, mourning the loss of Mattie as they all were.