Page 89 of Mia Amata
Chapter 31
Jacob paced around the gate for his flight, waiting for news of Mattie and the baby. They soon called for people to board the plane. He grabbed his bag and made his way onto the plane. Once in his seat, he could barely contain himself as he waited for the plane to take off. He kept praying that Mattie and the baby would be OK. He couldn’t live without her, didn’t want to live without her.
Everyone around him seemed to fall asleep on the flight, but he was wide awake. He glanced at his watch, two hours until they landed. This flight was going to be unbearable. He stared out the window as they flew across the country. All he could do was pray his wife and daughter would be alive when he got there.
He called for the stewardess and explained to her his situation. She spoke to the captain who then called ahead to the airport. She soon came back, telling him they would get him off the plane first. There would be a customer transport waiting for him at the gate to take him to the exit. She also said there was a seat up front that they were going to move him to, so he could get off quickly.
They took his bag from overhead, moving it with him to the front of the plane. He expressed his gratitude, taking his new seat. He asked the stewardess if she thought they could find out the status of his wife and daughter for him. She told Jacob she would see what they could find out but did tell him that she wasn’t sure they would be able to get too much information for him due to the privacy laws. The stewardess came back a few minutes later, stating that the captain was trying to arrange for him to get a phone call to the hospital. She came back soon and said they hadn’t been successful in reaching the hospital, but that they would keep trying for him.
They kept trying to reach the hospital, to get information for Jacob, but were unable to. After what seemed like an eternity, they finally landed at the airport. The airline was true to their word, getting Jacob off first, then rushing him to the exit where he met his supervisor. They drove as fast as possible in the snow to the hospital, pulling up to the entrance where Jacob dove out, running in.
He ran up to the desk, asking where Mattie was. From a room off to one side, Josh stepped out and called for him. Jacob ran over, Josh pulled him into the room. Donald and Josh were both there, eyes red. “Where’s Mattie?” Jacob asked.
Donald stood up, “I’m so sorry Jacob,” he started to say.
“NO!” Jacob cried out.
Donald took his arms, “Mattie is gone. They tried to save her, but they couldn’t.”
Jacob fell into a chair, sobbing. “How?” he asked.
Josh replied, “She was stabbed in the leg, shot in the chest. The bullet hit a rib, a piece splintered off, then hit a main artery to the heart, the rest went into a lung. She lost too much blood. They tried to repair the artery, but it was too late.”
“Stabbed? Shot? Who did it? Why? I don’t understand.” Jacob looked at his brother and father for answers.
Donald answered, “We don’t know. Lucky attacked the guy, which apparently allowed Mattie, who had already been shot, to get the gun, then she shot the guy. That’s all we know right now. The guy is dead.”
“I need to see Mattie,” Jacob said.
Donald nodded, “I’ll go tell them.”
Jacob walked to the window, looking out but not seeing anything. “Who would do this to Mattie?” He said aloud, not expecting an answer. He turned quickly, grabbing Josh’s arm. “What about the baby? Is Jayden…” he couldn’t bring himself to say it.
Josh shook his head, “Jayden is fine. They did a C-section; she is in the NICU. She is a little small, but she is doing great. Mom is with her right now.”
“Thank God,” Jacob said.
Donald came back in with a nurse. “Mr.Vance, if you come with me, I will take you to see your wife.” Jacob followed the nurse down the hall. She took him to a room where Mattie was lying on a hospital bed, with a sheet pulled up to her chin, then left him alone. Jacob walked over to her, tears flowing. He reached out shakily, stroking her cheek. She was so cold. “Oh, Mattie.” He moaned, sitting on the stool next to her bed. “How am I going to live without you?” He leaned his head down on the bed next to her head, crying. He heard Mattie’s voice in his head, heard their conversation about naming the baby. “Jayden Lee,” Mattie had said.
Jacob looked at Mattie and tried it out himself. “Jayden Lee.”
“I wanted to name her after you. Jayden is close to Jacob and, well…”
“Lee is my middle name. Are you sure?” he asked her.
“Only if you like it. If you don’t, we can discuss some other names.” Mattie said, watching him. “Jayden Lee Vance. I love it. I feel honored that you want her to be named after me.”
“How could I not want to name her after you? You have accepted her as your own, you love her as your own. She should be named after her father.”
“Jayden,” Jacob had said. He looked at Mattie. “I’ll take care of our baby girl, Mattie. I promise to be a good father to her, the best that I can.” He stood up, kissed Mattie on the forehead for the last time, then walked out the door to go see his daughter.
Nora was back in the private waiting room with Donald and Josh. She ran over to hug Jacob; he hugged her back. “I’m so sorry honey,” she said.
Jacob just nodded, then said, “I want to see my daughter.”
Nora smiled through her tears. “She is beautiful Jacob. She is doing so well.”
He smiled a little, then went out to the desk to ask to be taken to see her. They took him to the NICU, had him put on a gown, mask, and gloves, then took him in to see her. He expected her to be in an incubator, but she wasn’t. She was in a bassinet, swaddled with a blanket and a warming light over her. A doctor walked up to him, “Mr.Vance?” he asked.