Page 93 of Mia Amata
Jacob smiled, “You’re right, it is a stupid question. Yeah, I was just thinking about bringing our daughter back to this house. Mia loved this place.”
Josh nodded, “Do you think you can live here after what happened.”
Jacob nodded, “Yes, I think so. She filled this house with love, and I believe that it is still full of love. I want our daughter to be here where Mia loved her so much.” With that, Jacob got out and went to his truck, going to the hospital to see his daughter. Josh watched as he drove away, turned and looked at the house, then went home to make some calls.
Jacob got to the hospital early and went to the NICU. “Just in time, Mr.Vance,” the nurse said when he came in, dressed in gown, mask, and gloves again. “She needs a diaper change and to be fed. Would you like to do the honors?” She smiled at him.
“I will if you walk me through it, I’ve never changed a diaper before,” Jacob replied.
“Not a problem. Come on over.” She let him change the diaper, instructing him on how to do it. He wrapped her in a blanket, swaddling her like the nurse instructed him to. The whole time, Jayden followed him with her eyes and never cried. “Your daughter is such a good baby. She rarely cries and when she does it is for a diaper change or to be fed. She consoles easily.”
Jacob picked her up, “She seems really… laid back, calm.”
The nurse agreed, “She doesn’t seem to let much stress her out, that’s for sure.”
Jacob sat down in the rocking chair with her, putting his finger in her hand. She grasped it with her hand, holding on. “You are a strong little girl.” She looked at him like she understood what he was saying.
“You’re going to have to help me be strong too.”
The nurse came in with a bottle and gave it to him. “Dr.Patel should be here soon to check on her. You are welcome to stay here as long as you want to.”
He thanked her and started feeding Jayden. She took the bottle hungrily but soon was starting to doze off. He tickled her chin to wake her up, so she could finish eating. She soon finished, Jacob laid her on his shoulder, patting and rubbing her back. She let out a couple of belches, then tucked her face into his neck, falling asleep. He sat there rocking her, enjoying just holding this amazing little girl.
They stayed like that for over an hour when Dr.Patel showed up. “Well, good morning, Mr.Vance,” Dr.Patel said.
“Jacob, please,” he replied. “Morning doctor.”
Dr.Patel nodded. “You seem perfectly at home holding her. She definitely feels comfortable with you.”
Jacob smiled, “I hope so.”
“Well, she wouldn’t let anyone else hold her for any extended period of time. Just long enough to feed her and burp her, then she wanted to be laid back down. Only then would she sleep.”
“Really?” Jacob looked down at her in amazement.
“Yep. She knows you are her dad; that is obvious. Unfortunately, I need to take her from you to give her a quick exam.” Jacob nodded and handed Jayden to the doctor. Dr.Patel walked back over to the bassinet, telling Jacob he was welcome to come watch and ask questions if he had any.
Jacob watched as the doctor listened to her heart and lungs, then her abdomen. He checked her hip joints and reflexes, explaining why he was doing things as he did them. He finally pulled back, wrapped her back up in the blanket, and handed her back to Jacob.
“Well, doctor,” Jacob asked, “how is she doing?”
“She is doing great. She has been eating well, sleeping well and made dirty and wet diapers. I want to check her bloodwork again early afternoon. If that is within normal limits, I would say you can take her home late afternoon today.”
“So no problems related to…” he hesitated, “her mom’s attack?”
Dr.Patel shook his head, “None whatsoever. She is perfectly healthy. A little small due to being a few weeks early, but she will catch up in no time.”
“Thank you, Dr.Patel,” Jacob said.
“Don’t thank me. Someone was looking out for this little one. Now if you will excuse me, I need to go check on some other patients.”
Jacob nodded, taking Jayden back over to the rocking chair. Jayden had woken up during the exam, seeming to watch both the doctor and Jacob intently while the exam took place and the two of them talked.
A nurse walked in after Jacob had been sitting for a few minutes. “Excuse me, Mr.Vance,” she said. Jacob looked up at her. “There is a lady here, Randy, who would like to come in and see your daughter, is that OK?”
Jacob nodded, “That’s fine. She can come anytime she wants to.”
The nurse nodded and went back out. Soon Randy came in, all gowned up like Jacob. Jacob stood up, telling Randy to take the rocking chair. After she was seated, Jacob handed her Jayden. “Meet your goddaughter,” he said, smiling.