Page 94 of Mia Amata
Randy looked down at Jayden, Jacob heard her breath catch, “Oh, Jacob, she is perfect,” Randy said.
Jacob sat on the stool next to the rocking chair. “Yes, she is.” He agreed.
“Hello little girl,” Randy said softly. “I’m Auntie Randy.”
Jacob laughed, “Auntie Randy?”
Randy laughed, “Well, maybe not, but I’m sure she will come up with a name for me in time.” Jayden looked at Randy just as intently as she had Jacob and the doctor. After a few minutes, she snuggled in, falling asleep.
Jacob smiled, “That means she likes you. I was told that she wouldn’t fall asleep for anyone else. They had to put her back in the bassinet for her to fall asleep. She only falls asleep with people she seems to know are her family.”
Randy smiled down at Jayden, “She is a smart girl. Have they said when she will get to go home?” Jacob nodded, “Dr.Patel wants to check another lab early afternoon. If it is good, then I can take her home shortly after that. Did Josh find someone to clean the house?”
“Yes,” Randy replied. “They are actually there now. He called some friends of his. Josh is supposed to let me know when they are done.”
“Great,” Jacob said. “I need to go get the car seat and diaper bag from home, so I can have those here to take Jayden home.”
“Josh said he could grab those for you if you would like, so you can spend the day here.” Randy offered.
Jacob looked down at Jayden, “I think I will take him up on that offer.”
Randy handed Jayden back to Jorden and traded him seats. She watched Jacob with Jayden and could see in his face how much he loved this little girl. It was then that she knew the two of them would be just fine. They sat there, talking quietly while Jayden slept. She got fussy after a bit, so Jacob took her over to change her diaper, while Randy watched, holding Jayden’s hand. Jayden looked at both of them. When Jacob got the diaper changed, she kicked her feet.
“Oh my,” Randy said, “look at those little feet.”
Jacob swaddled her back up and looked at Randy, “You and Josh will make great parents. I hope you don’t take too long to make me an uncle. Jayden wants a little cousin to play with.”
Randy smiled, “I can’t wait to be a mom,” she said. The nurse came back in at that point.
“This is a popular little girl,” she said. “Mr.Vance, your mom and dad are here.”
“Can we all be in here together?” Jacob asked.
“Normally, we would only let two in at a time, but since she is the only baby in here, it will be fine. I’ll send them in.”
Randy slid the other couple of rocking chairs closer so Donald and Nora could sit down as well. Jacob picked up Jayden, waiting for his mom and dad to come in. They soon came in; Jacob motioned them to have a seat. He knew his mom had got to see Jayden last night, but his dad hadn’t, so he took her and handed her to his dad. He motioned Randy to take the third rocker, while he sat on the stool, next to his dad. His dad handled her gently but like a pro.
“She is so tiny,” he said, an obvious hitch in his voice.
“Tiny but perfectly healthy,” Jacob said. Donald put his finger in Jayden’s palm, and she closed her hand around it.
“Strong little one,” Donald smiled at her. Nora was leaning over the side of his rocking chair, looking at Jayden with an adoring smile on her face. Jayden was looking up at Donald, then let out a little yawn. Nora looked up, tears in her eyes, “She looks just like Mattie.” Jacob nodded. Pretty soon Josh joined them bringing the car seat and diaper bag, promptly taking Jayden away from Nora, who had taken her away from Donald as soon as she could.
“Let me see my niece,” he said. Donald let him sit in the rocking chair and sat on another stool. “Well, thank goodness,” Josh said.
“What?” Jacob said.
“Thank goodness, she doesn’t look like you,” Josh said, smiling at his brother. Everyone laughed.
The nurse came in a little while later. “The lab tech will be here in a few minutes to draw blood. I should take her for now. Why don’t you all go find some lunch then come back?”
Jacob looked at his watch and was surprised to find it was after one in the afternoon. “I will give her a bath and get her dressed for when you come back. Dr.Patel is pretty sure she will be able to go home once the lab is back. Do you have an outfit in the diaper bag for her?”
Jacob nodded, and she smiled. “Perfect. Go eat and come back. Hopefully, we will have good news for you then.”
They walked out of the NICU, taking the gowns and things off. Surprisingly, Jacob found that he was pretty hungry, so he agreed when his parents suggested some place better to eat than the hospital cafeteria. They went to a small restaurant close by, asking for a table in a quiet section of the dining room. They were taken to a table toward the back, where the other tables near them were empty. They sat down, giving their waitress their drink orders. She brought the drinks and then said she would be back in a few minutes for their food order.
As they were looking over the menu, Jacob’s phone rang. “It’s Detective Ron,” he told the others. They all listened to Jacob’s side of the conversation, heard him tell the detective where they were, and watched expectantly as he hung up. “He says he has news and wants to talk to us. He will be here in a few minutes.”