Page 42 of Destined to Fight
Four hours later, her mind was numb with the history of vampires. The book she’d read could have been considered a great work of fiction if an unknowing human picked it up. Who would believe the Norse god Loki got bored and created a race simply for his amusement? Not to mention the fact that they had superhuman strength and senses that were better than the most gifted animals on the planet, but their drawback was that they had to feed on humans. Toss in immortality to add more allure, and a pinch of bloodlust for danger; it all seemed like one big joke.
Their history had been brutal and riddled with death, both their own and that of humans. They’d fought for respect for centuries but always managed to be looked down upon by other races. The careless actions of a few led to the downfall of many.
Kelly found herself feeling sorry for them. Their diet made them the most feared and hated race of the arcane, but they could not change their nature. Only the technological advances of the past few decades had allowed them to work on changing the stigma that surrounded them.
She stood and stretched, deciding to check out the dining hall. Maybe everyone was getting ready for dinner. As she walked through the halls, she hummed to herself.
Kade was suddenly beside her, making her jump yet again.
“Jesus Christ! Will you please announce your presence in the future?” She slapped his arm playfully.
Kelly suddenly noticed his actions more than she had before. His nostrils flared. His eyes were intent on her—not in a creepy way, but he had a steadfast focus on her that she hadn’t picked up on until now.
“And where would the fun be in that, lass?” He flashed that crooked smile of his for the umpteenth time.
“I don’t know about fun, but you might add a few years back on to my life if you’d stop sidling around in silence.”
He laughed and stepped in front of her, stopping suddenly to face her and blocking her path. “Soon ye willnae need any more years on that life of yers.”
Caught by the intensity of his gray eyes, she didn’t respond. His nostrils flared again and he leaned in to her, breathing deeply. His short beard barely touched her cheek as he leaned in close to her and his lips came so close to her neck that she could feel the cold radiating from him.
She couldn’t explain how the chill of his body made her own hot, but that’s exactly what happened. Suddenly her body heated with desire and she was reaching for his neck to pull him closer to her.
Then she caught herself and pulled back. What the fuck was she doing, falling for a vampire? Then again, he was a vampire. That book had taught her about more than just their history. Their race had just the right balance of danger and intrigue. Sure, he could kill her; he could also offer her experiences no other race could even come close to.
Kade had proven himself to be a good man, and that threw Kelly’s moral compass for a loop.
His lips touched her neck and stayed there, unmoving, for what seemed like minutes.
Somehow, she found her voice. “Kade, I—”
The front door of the castle burst open, and high heels clicked across the stone floor with purpose.
“Kade, darling, I’ve missed you.”
The click of the heels came closer with the voice, and Kade froze with his lips on Kelly’s neck. The cold slowly left Kelly’s skin as he broke contact and turned to face the woman.
His stature blocked Kelly’s view for the most part, but she caught a flash of red lipstick and an outfit that was straight off a Gucci shelf, with the black heels to match. Her makeup and hair were flawless, and her body was sleek and beautiful. This woman was everything Kelly was not.
Well, dreams are free, and it was fun for a moment there, but there’s no competing with that, her inner voice chimed in.
“Darlene,” Kade said.
Kelly’s hopes went up just a bit; he didn’t seem too excited to see her. She moved to the side so she could see around Kade.
Ms. Gucci made her way to Kade, clicking all the way. When she reached him, she wrapped her arms around him in the way women like that do, claiming their territory. Her lips claimed Kade’s in a possessive I don’t care who’s watching way.
Kelly turned to leave, taking the hint. So much for the idea that he was any better than other men in the world. She was so stupid to think he would be different, especially when any woman in her right mind would drool over him.
Darlene must have come up for air, because Kelly heard a disgust-filled “Who’s that?” before she turned the corner.
As she made her way back to her room, her appetite vanished and her inner voice went on a rampage, reminding her she was just a normal girl, and his interest in her was purely related to the power she possessed. After all, why would a man like him be interested in a woman like her?
She ran into Ginna on the way.
“There you are, Rookie.” She paused, taking Kelly in. “What’s got your panties in a twist? Those books aren’t that depressing.”
“Just a lot on my mind, I guess.”