Page 43 of Destined to Fight
“Oh no you don’t. This old woman can smell a lie from a mile away. Come with me. We’ll get a drink.” She laced her arm through Kelly’s and started to pull her back the way she came.
“Thanks, but I’m good. I’m going to turn in.”
“No, you’re not. You don’t hide from your problems in this world. Let’s go.”
Kelly let out a sound of dismay as Ginna led her back toward the front of the castle.
When they came to Kade and Darlene, the two of them were in what seemed to be a heated discussion.
“You told me next time you were in town you’d take me out and we could have fun. You’re always so caught up in your work.”
“How did ye even ken I was home, Darlene? And I dinnae have time to argue with ye about my priorities.”
Ginna spoke loudly, ignoring the fact that the others could hear even a whisper with their vampire hearing. “Who let the tramp in?”
Darlene’s jaw dropped and her fangs suddenly extended. “Who in the hell do you think you are?”
“Someone who doesn’t care to know you. I suggest you leave. There’s enough going on here without your drama.”
“How dare you speak to me that way!” Darlene spat. “You have no right to tell me to leave. I came to see Kade. This has nothing to do with you.”
Kade ran his hand through his hair, clearly frustrated by the whole situation.
“I think it’s best ye go.”
“Seriously? I don’t know what’s gotten into you, Kade. Since when do you keep company with mages and humans?”
Suddenly, Darlene’s back was against the wall, her heels dangling above the floor. Kade’s hand was tightly around her neck, his face inches from hers, fangs extended.
Kade’s words were barely a whisper. “The company I keep is none of yer damn concern, nor is the amount of time I spend taking care of business. Leave this house and dinnae come back. If I find that ye’ve spoken a word of what happened here or the people ye saw in my house, I’ll find ye and rip yer throat out before I remove yer head.”
He slowly lowered her down the wall and took his hand from her throat.
Darlene stared at him with malice. “You’ll regret this.”
“Such creative threats.” Ginna laughed.
Fabian was there. Kelly had missed the moment he joined the party.
“Come, I will help you find your way out.” He gestured toward the entrance.
“I know the way.” Darlene huffed and turned to leave, her heels clicking even more loudly on the stone floor than before. She turned back to them all as she neared the entrance hall. “You’re up to something, Kade.”
Kelly couldn’t help rolling her eyes. Drama, drama.
Fabian’s hand went to the hilt of his sword, his eyes asking Kade’s wishes on the matter.
Kade barely shook his head. Then he was gone, a rush of air blowing past Kelly. The front door creaked, and Kelly assumed he had opened it.
“Be on yer way, Darlene. Dinnae meddle in my affairs any further, or I’ll make good on my promise to ye.”
More clicks, then the door slammed.
“I am going to have to kill her someday,” Fabian said in a very matter-of-fact way.
“I dinnae think she will do anything.”
When Kade and Fabian came into view, she added her two cents. “I don’t know, Kade, if you put your dick in that, it’s coming back to haunt you. Hell hath no fury.”