Page 119 of Call Me Sir
My phone buzzes, and I’m hoping it’s Sal.
I check my phone.
Kahlid: Be there in 2 minutes, sorry!!
Me: Ok:)
“Kahlid is gonna be here any minute,” I tell the group.
That doesn’t answer where Sal is.
As the organizers, I assumed we’d be there running the show. Turns out we were only in charge of planning, not executing. That was a huge relief as planning alone, and having hot sweaty sex with Sal, took up most of my brain space.
Now it looks like we’re going to be late to our own event.
Summer is almost officially over. This is the first gala of the season and we’re about to set history. It’ll be the most memorable because it’s incredible, or a flop.
The cool breeze gives relief to how warm I am in this tuxedo.
Nerves cause me to start pacing. What is taking Sal so long?
Kahlid shows up spiffy as ever in a baby blue suit and black bowtie. We all take selfies and start posting them to social media.
I’m not normally one to post, but with how many people follow Kahlid and him tagging me, I’ve gained one hundred new people tonight.
“My date is wearing the sexiest dress to match my bowtie, I cannot wait to see her. She feels so VIP being able to get let in early!”
“Hopefully she and Bella are getting along!” Tony says.
I giggle at the thought. Not that they won’t get along, but Bella is sweet but quirky. Is Kahlid’s girl a bookworm too?
“They’ll be fine,” Kahlid answers coolly, taking a selfie with the limo.
“Have you seen Hannah’s post?” Rumi asks.
Hannah, Ace Maverick’s sister, the one who is doing the speech tonight.
“No, show me.”
She pulls out her phone and shows me the post. It’s Hannah and her girlfriend holding each other. They look adorable in matching green and white checkered dresses.
Hannah: Ready to Rep!
Flutters fly around in my chest. Oliver was right suggesting she give the speech. We had one phone call where I spoke to her and she had a fire lit under her of all the things she wanted to speak about.
“And have you seen Ace and Oliver’s post?”
“I haven’t…”
Rumi gives me a knowing girn. “I’ll find it for you.”
It’d be a crime not to look.
Ace and Oliver stand poised on the red carpet in the first pic, then the next is Oliver giving Ace a piggy back ride. They look stunning as ever and they’re also matching, wearing silver sparkled suits and black bow ties.
“We should be there already seeing this for ourselves!” Rumi whines.
Shit. I start to wonder if we should leave without Sal…