Page 120 of Call Me Sir
Being hounded by reporters outside my condo and the work building before the gala was not on my to do list.
Irritation grinds into my head as I try to figure out how they discovered where I live. Accepting this job from my father was a mistake, I should have refused and told him this way of living just isn’t worth it. When my mom was sick and dying from cancer they hounded her. She always had the most gorgeous hair, yet they picked apart her for her appearances, how she changed while ill.
Anger bubbles in my blood.
As soon as I arrived in the parking lot, they started to surround my vehicle. Would screaming at them help, as my father had when they disrespected my mother?
No, I can keep it together. It’s just me. Besides, how ridiculous can they be?
Instantly I regret that thought when I step out of my car and lock it.
“Why have you changed your name and been low to no contact with your father?”
“Does it matter? I’m here now.”
“Did your father come out to you, and you couldn’t accept that?”
Her question makes me drop my keys.
Blue eyes blink at me waiting for me to reveal some stupid answer that they can jump on like vultures.
A man in a baseball cap holds a microphone out to me. “Does your father being married to a man bother you?”
I almost burst out laughing in their faces. They think I’m homophobic? As if I’m the one who cut him off?
Amusement for this strange turn of events dissipates leaving a gurgling anger in my stomach.
I glance behind me at the limo waiting, Cole waiting. Losing my cool now isn’t worth it. I can do better.
Turning to face them squarely, I say, “I hope you eat these questions later.”
Then quickly jog away toward the limo outside the front door so I don’t have to watch the confusion register on their faces.
Cole’s anxious gaze lands on me and his shoulders visibly relax.
“Where were you?” he asks.
I give him a hug and a quick peck on the lips and his body straightens like a board. I’ve kissed him in front of everyone we work with.
The limo door is open and all I hear is Tony shout, “Wait! What’s happening out there!”
When I bend down to confirm what he’s seen, I realize that he isn’t looking at us, rather he’s looking at the sea of people and camera’s making their way toward us.
“Hop in,” I say.
Cole shuffles in and I close the door behind me.
We’re thigh to thigh and everyone is looking at me funny.
“Okay, I saw you kiss Cole,” Kahlid admits, holding his hands out.
“Wait!!! I missed that?” Tony whines, eyebrows pulled together in annoyance.