Page 64 of Once Upon a Prince
“Things change, feelings change, we mature and don’t like or want to do the same things that we once did. It’s the same with my life now. I was a good employee for my family's company for years and still enjoyed a very active social life. I liked partying, enjoyed being young, going out every night, and trying a new restaurant. My father wanting me to be CEO changed those priorities. It was something I did because I thought I had to in order to placate the board and I was willing to do it. I’ve found that I like it.
“What I do want is to be a good CEO. I want to make my family’s company more successful than it already is. That’s what makes me excited, that’s what makes me happy, that’s what I want to do. I had juggled being out and working before and I could do it again, but I don’t want to. I like the work that I’m doing. More importantly. I like doing it with you. I like having these moments with you and what will come next.
“This is where I want to be, this is what I want to be doing. Just like I don’t want to swing on a swing anymore. I don’t want to be out partying either. The board might have pushed me into something I didn’t think I wanted but they helped me to see who I could and want to be.”
“You should say that to them. If they were to hear that, they would agree that you should be CEO immediately. Are you worried about how the meeting will go?”
“I should be, but I’m not. I’ve done everything I can to show them that I’m the right person for the job. I have the backing of my father and sister. My track record should speak for itself. Either they’re going to like what they see and agree, or they won’t and I’ll have to deal with it then.”
“You’re taking a very nonchalant look at your future,” Ella said
I took a sip of my wine and pushed my plate away from me. “What other choice do I have? Either I’ve done the best I can do or I haven’t. Either they’re going to have me as the CEO or they aren’t. Worrying about it, trying to figure out what else I could have done is counterproductive. I’ve done all that I can do. There’s nothing left but to wait,” I leaned forward and took Ella’s hand in mine. “And enjoy the company of a wonderful woman I’ve grown extremely fond of.”
“Oh really? Should I go? Let you spend time with her?” Ella teased.
“The only place I want you to go is to my bedroom, with me.”
Ella squeezed my hand and moved so her mouth was inches from mine. “I think that could be arranged. You did literally wine and dine me with this amazing meal.”
“If you were impressed with my steak and potatoes, you should see my short ribs.”
“I really hope that isn't a euphemism for something,” Ella said and I laughed.
“What do you think?”
Ella kissed me lightly on the lips and then leaned back. “I can attest that there’s nothing about you that is short.”
“Why thank you and good answer. Can I take you to bed Ella? Can I make love to you all night and into the morning?”
“Nothing would make me happier. I’ll have to leave in the morning to get changed, I didn’t have time to get anything.”
“I’m sure you can be late getting into the office. I’ll put in a good word with your boss. Though when you go home, do you want to bring a few things to keep over here?”
“Are you saying you’re going to give me a drawer?” Ella leaned back and gave me a shocked look.
I wanted to give her more than just a drawer but I didn’t say that. “For now. I want you in my life, in my bed, in my apartment. I don’t want you to have to leave to go home to change, shower or anything if you can do that here. I understand if it’s too much too soon for you. I just like having you here.”
“Dax. I like being here with you too. I’ll bring some stuff to leave here,” she said and flashed me a dazzling smile.
“Well, now that we have that settled,” I said and crushed my mouth to hers.
Chapter 37
When Dax told me that he wanted to take me out to dinner and a play on Saturday night, I knew exactly what I was going to wear. He didn’t say it but I knew he was trying to make the night special and I wanted to do the same. The best way to do that was to wear the outfit that had turned the corner for us.
When I opened the door and Dax saw me wearing the black pantsuit, his eyes slowly roamed over my body before stopping at my eyes. The look he gave me told me just how much he appreciated the outfit and how I looked in it.
He was incredibly sexy in his three-piece suit. The gray helped set off his eyes and the blue of the shirt gave off the perfect contrast. He held a single rose and I blushed as he handed it to me. Ara had been kind enough to make herself scarce. I wanted her and Layla to meet Dax, but not in a brief conversation before Dax and I went on a date.
If he noticed that Ara’s apartment wasn’t as nice as his, he didn’t say anything. I thought about showing him my room but I knew if I did that we would be late for the play. The idea did hold a certain appeal but we could have some fun in his bed later.
Ara had joked about me staying over at Dax’s place and that in no time I would be moving in. I didn’t correct her nor did I agree with her. She was only teasing me but I had been neglecting her to spend time with Dax and I didn’t want to be that type of friend. She and Layla had been there for so many things in my life, I wasn’t going to abandon them or not spend as much time with them just because I had a boyfriend.
Dax was my boyfriend. He had made that clear the night I went home to his place. I hadn’t counted on him holding my hand as we walked out of the office, or that he would come with me to my apartment so that I could change in the morning and then drive with me to the office. I felt he wanted the world, especially his employees, to know we were together. We had filled out some paperwork with Trent the following morning and it seemed to make it even more official. It had been less than a week since Dax and I had gotten back from Buenos Aires but any concerns that I had that we wouldn’t be able to work and be together were gone.
I had never had a boyfriend who was so attentive, kind, intuitive, and fun to be around. I really didn’t have a lot of experience in general with men but none were as wonderful as Dax. He was always completely professional with me when we were at work but the minute we were off the clock he was anything but professional.