Page 65 of Once Upon a Prince
We had spent the last two nights together and he would have wanted a third but I had needed to spend time with Ara and Layla. Plus, they had given me a bad time that I neglected them.
I was happy with Dax, happier than I thought I could ever be. I wanted us to be together, I wanted people to know we were, I just wasn’t ready for it to be so public so quickly. It wasn’t that I didn’t want the world to know that I was with Dax, I wasn’t ashamed of being with him. I just didn’t know what my stepmother would do when she found out.
The woman didn’t like me to be happy, she reveled in the chance to make my life miserable. If she knew that I was with a man who cared about me and was wealthy, I was sure she would do anything she could to destroy it. I had no idea how the woman could, but she would try. In the back of my mind, I knew that it was only a matter of time before my stepmother did something to try and take what Dax and I had away.
Even as I told myself there wasn’t anything she could do, that Dax wouldn’t let her come between us, the worry still lingered. I pushed it aside as best I could but when we walked out of the theater still high on the beauty of the show and excited about the rest of the night, the lights of the paparazzi flashed around us, and the worry returned.
As we got into the car to go to dinner, Dax took my hand in his and squeezed it.
“I should have warned you the paparazzi were going to be there. They love to find a good story and they like the fact that we’re together. If it’s too much for you I can see about getting you some security or we could use private entrances so no one knows where we are. For the most part they’re harmless, but they can be a bit of a nuisance,” Dax said.
“How is it that you know more about what’s bothering me than I do?” I squeezed his hand back and looked over at him.
“I’m not the only one who’s observant in this relationship. I know you, plus I felt you tense up when we walked out of the theater and it wasn’t because it was cold outside. Their interest in us will die down eventually. They just have never seen me so happy with a woman, they want to know everything about you. Plus, they think you have great fashion sense and want to know what you’re wearing.”
“Flattery and reassurance all in the same breath. It isn’t the paparazzi I have a problem with. I knew you were famous when we got involved. I knew your past and you suddenly being seen with one woman was going to cause a stir. I don’t mind if they take my picture or want to know about me. It’s kind of nice having the attention.”
“Okay, so what is the issue?” Dax leaned away and held my gaze.
“My stepmother.”
Dax looked at me as if he didn’t understand what I was saying so I continued. “She isn’t going to be happy that we’re together. She isn’t going to be happy that I’m happy. I’m worried she’s going to try and do something to change that.”
“What can she do? She doesn’t control you,” Dax’s voice was quiet but it held an edge to it.
“She controls the shares in my father’s company, including mine. I don’t care about the money but I do care about the company. I’ve worked my entire life to keep and grow the success my father created. The employees were there for me when my father died and are like a family to me. I may not want to run the company but I’m not going to abandon the employees either. I need to make sure that they have a place to work. Being here, living in New York was a way to keep her happy, giving her what she wanted. If she thought I was enjoying myself too much she would want to change that.”
“I didn’t realize she was that manipulative and hurtful toward you. It makes more sense that while we were in Buenos Aires, your stepmother made a few calls to the office. She was looking into me and trying to get information on you.”
“What did she find out? What was she asking?” I didn’t want to be angry at Dax but I wished he had told me about this sooner.
“What was she asking? What did she say she wanted?” I tried to slip my hand away from Dax’s but he held firm.
“She called in a few times and asked about you, you were gone and was told to call back but eventually she was able to talk to Casey. She didn’t tell her anything but let Trent know who told me.”
“Okay. She hasn’t called or tried to talk to me since I’ve been back. She wasn’t happy about me going to Buenos Aires but I made it sound like it was a very laborious work trip. I don’t like it. She’s up to something, I just don’t know what it is.” I leaned back in my seat and stared out the window.
“You say you don’t want to run the company but you don’t want your stepmother to either. You also want to do right by the employees of your company.”
“Yes. I have controlling interest, or will when I turn twenty-six. I hoped with the money I could find a way to buy my stepmother or at least her daughters and then sell them to a company or person who would do right by the employees and my father.”
“You’re a very smart and brave woman and that’s an excellent idea. It didn’t sit well with me about Cheryl calling nor that she controls your shares and possibly your life. I have a plan that I think might allow you to accomplish everything you want to. Do you trust me?”
Turning back to look at Dax, I said, “Yes. Of course, I do.”
I had no idea what Dax had in mind and I could tell it was in the early stages so he didn’t want to get too detailed. I had never thought to ask him for help, though I should have. He was a shrewd businessman and might be able to find me a way out. I didn’t want to hold out hope that he could, but I was willing to let him try.
“Good. Let me do some digging and see we can do.” Dax reached over and brought my hand to his lips and kissed it gently. “I hate that this woman is trying to manipulate you. I want you to have the life that you want to have. I want you to know that no matter what happens I am here for you. We will figure this out together and get you away from your stepmother.”
“Thank you, Dax. That means the world to me.”
“Well, you mean the world to me. There’s nothing that your stepmother or anyone else can do that will keep me from helping or being you. I am yours as long as you want me.”
His words, his commitment to me, and his willingness to do whatever needed to be done was overwhelming. I had never had a man who saw as much in me as he did. I wanted to have everything with him and as I looked into his eyes and saw how much he cared about me; I knew that we were in this for the long haul.
“You better be careful with what you say. I might just hold you to that for a very long time.”