Page 85 of Say It Again
Aaron didn’t need to think about it to know it was true. Harder. Hotter. With his entire nervous system at full throttle.
“Wanna see me prove it?” Daniel didn’t even give him time to answer before he jerked Aaron’s hair again.
Aaron winced, but he didn’t let the car swerve. He growled through a chuckle. “You’re asking for it, kid.”
“Well, I’m trying to ask for it, but someone I know’s all Let’s wait till we get home. Someone has to drive. Blah, blah.”
He turned to find Daniel’s eyes ablaze with challenge. He matched his crooked smile. Trouble.
“I asked you a question.” Daniel stroked, rewet his hand, then stroked some more. “I’d appreciate an answer.”
“Do I want you to prove you can make me come hard?” Aaron, stiff as steel, tossed an arm around the headrest and leaned back again. “Yeah. I do.”
“Oops, someone’s forgotten their manners. You didn’t say please.”
He licked his lips, trying to squash his grin. “Pretty fucking please. Dancake.”
“Here’s how this is going to go,” Daniel said, punctuating his words with little pokes in Aaron’s chest. “You have two jobs, you delicious filet mignon of a person. One is to drive. Can you guess what the second is?”
“Not kill us?”
“Close. Come down my throat.”
Aaron’s laugh was strangled. “How’s that close?”
“And I mean alllll the way down my throat. Think you can manage?”
Aaron sucked on his lower lip and nodded.
“You’re such a good boy. Oh, and one more thing.”
“There’s more?”
“Permission granted to have your way with my mouth. There is no such thing as too hard, and there is definitely no such thing as too deep.”
“Goddammit.” Aaron dragged a hand down his face, his lower half starting to ache. “I’m not gonna last long.”
“Perfect.” Daniel crinkled his nose. “Because I’m fucking starving. Feed me.”
Daniel’s full lips encircled him.
White lines.
Daniel lured him deep into his mouth.
Exit 241. Silver guard rail.
Daniel swallowed him, and the road waned from his priorities.
The thing about boys who sucked cock like they needed it to live, those were the ones to watch out for. Because those were the ones who could look like the portrait of pious when they said things like Have your way with my mouth. They were the ones whose sweetness—with their pretty eyes and tempting skin—made it hard not to crave them like sugar.
Well, Daniel’s skin was more than sweet; it was orange ice cream, his eyes the molten caramel on top. But the way he sucked cock? It was like he’d die if he couldn’t. Could anyone blame Aaron for yelling at him to move in? Yelling while offering to buy his studio? Yelling while imagining drawers and dressers filled with his things? It was like his heart had been pried open. His wallet sure as shit had been pried open. Now he knew how his clients felt.
The headlights drifted into the background. So did the white lines, exit 241, and his respect for the speed limit. He twisted his fingers into soft brown curls, revved the gas, and hastened Daniel’s pace for him. Daniel moaned, all muffled and sexy, and worked his mouth faster like he loved it, like nothing turned him on more. This sexy little demon could put him out of business. Could steal his clients, one by one, and drive him out of business. It wouldn’t take him five minutes.
Daniel suddenly popped him from his mouth like a lollipop.