Page 86 of Say It Again
“Hey,” Aaron whined. “No—”
“What did I say?” Daniel was in his ear again.
“About what? Which part?” Aaron started to stroke himself, but Daniel smacked his hand. “Guh. Rude.”
“I said to have your way with my mouth.”
“I am. I love your mouth. Now get back down.” He grunted as he fake-forced Daniel’s head back toward his lap, making him chuckle.
“I’m not getting back down anywhere. I’m over you holding back.”
“Sweetheart.” He rounded his eyes a bit. “I’m not holding back. I’m driving.”
“You hold back all the time. You talk this big Aaron game—oh, I’m Aaron. I’m so rough and fun—then you treat me like I might break.”
He chuckled. “I’ve never once said I’m Aaron. I’m so rough and fun.”
“Over. It. And that’s really too bad.” Daniel started to stroke him again, his voice creeping to a whisper like he had a big secret to tell. “Because I would love to finish what I’ve started, but I can’t so long as you’re holding back.”
Aaron ground his hips against his grip.
“Because there is an animal inside you, Mr. Silva.” Daniel tongued the shell of his ear. “And I wish someone would let you off your leash. Can you imagine how good it would feel?”
Their gazes locked. He knew better than to ask, because the answer was sure to turn him on beyond the point of no return. “How good would what feel?”
“To just lose all control. Unshackle your fire.” He said it with this smile. “Fucking own me.”
This demure, guiltless, dripping-with-good smile, and his teeth grazed his lower lip, and the AC burned Aaron’s wet skin, and the air smelled like them both, and he could suddenly taste the aching sexual tension pressurizing the car. If Daniel wanted fire, he was about to get fire.
Aaron clenched his teeth and swerved the car to the shoulder. Daniel squealed like a kid on a roller coaster, clutching the assist handle while the rumble strips vibrated enough to cause something to beep. Aaron jolted the car into Park.
“You little fucking insane person,” Aaron said, his words labored as he crushed Daniel’s lips to his until it was painful. He shoved Daniel’s head back into his lap. “You’re in trouble now.”
Daniel sucked. Harder. Aaron gripped his hair. Harder. They both danced around blurred boundaries of give and take, and in and out, and commanded and commanding, only who was in control? It sure as hell wasn’t Aaron. No. Or else he wouldn’t be dizzy and unleashed on the side of the road, primally fucking his beautiful boyfriend’s throat.
Have your way with my mouth. Aaron clawed the steering wheel, his white-knuckled grip skidding skin on leather. There is no such thing as too deep.
Daniel’s mouth dripped, pooling wet heat while the sounds he made filled the car in whimpery huffs and hums. Aaron swirled his tongue around his finger and thrust it down the back of Daniel’s jeans because just one finger could make those mild noises turn fanatical. And they did.
Taillights whizzed past their car, and Aaron wanted to care that one of them might be a cop. He wanted to care that the way he rammed into Daniel’s mouth, with the kid’s full lips pressed flush with his torso each time, might be too far, but he didn’t care. So he slid another finger inside him and watched him writhe, drunk on a power trip.
What was it about flooding this perfect creature’s mouth that felt so similar to power? Like his body was a plaything. A pretty toy. A possession. Aaron scratched the leather seat with his nails. A possession. He squirmed. It was quite possible he was deranged, and possession was an overstatement, but then again—Imagine how good it would feel. To fucking own me.
A shock throbbed throughout his system and pried a roar from his lips.
To fucking own me.
His cry of release zinged off the car walls.
Own me.
He came allllllll the way down Daniel’s throat. Exactly like he was told.
Daniel’s spine bowed gracefully even as he gulped the pulses of liquid with the same eagerness he used to coax it from him. Like he was dying of thirst. Like Aaron had the only thing he wanted to drink.
He held Daniel captive another minute, maybe two. Long enough for the residual shudders of pleasure to finish twitching his muscles.
Daniel’s mouth stayed open and flawless, his tongue rolling in a sweet little tempo, his jaw doing the same.