Page 17 of Malevolent Hearts
His swift retreat makes Beibhinn stumble forward, right into my grasp. Her palms flatten against my chest, stopping me from pummelling my oldest friend into next week. “Oh, the prince of darkness decided to come down from his perch and join the peasants.”
Tearing my gaze away from Lucas, I finally look down at the girl who barrelled into my life without apology. Her fingers trace across my chest, drawing circles. “Why does he have to be so beautiful? It makes hating him kinda hard,” she mutters beneath her breath, and if I had to wager a guess, I’d say she didn’t mean to say that aloud.
My chest vibrates with a chuckle, and Beibhinn’s bloodshot eyes latch onto mine. She’s more wasted than I thought. Gone are the icy blue depths that remind me of a snowy mountain; now they’re clouded over and rimmed with red.
She leans into me, teeth chattering as she nuzzles her face into my chest. “And he’s so warm and smells amazing.” A belch breaks past her lips and her hand flies to her mouth. “Oopsie.”
Peering over her shoulder, I pin my gaze on Lucas. “How much has she drank? She’s fucking wasted.”
“I don’t know. She polished off the champagne and followed it up with a few vodka and Cokes.”
“I’m cold, not drunk.” Her eyes cross as she boops her nose with her finger. “See, I can feel my face.” Forcing my gaze back to her, I raise a brow. What the fuck I’m supposed to do with her? I can’t leave her down here. She can barely stand straight, and she’s making fuck-all sense.
I make a split-second decision, then, before I can talk myself out of it, I’m lifting her into my arms. “Up you go, trouble.”
“You’re not sticking your snake in my box. I don’t care how beautiful you are. My virginity is mine, not yours.”
Lucas tries to hide his laughter behind his palm, but I shut him up with a look. “Shut this party down and send everyone home.”
He nods as Beibhinn’s face falls into the crevice of my shoulder, and she draws a deep breath. “I mean it. Come near me with your boy parts and I’ll bite them off.”
Ignoring her rambling, I turn towards the castle, wondering how the fuck I got stuck on babysitting duty.
I’m almost to Beibhinn’s bedroom when I suddenly remember I barricaded her door with my mother’s antique sideboard and with a half-asleep psycho in my arms, I won’t be able to move it. Cursing my earlier self, I turn on my heel and change course, heading for my room instead. Once I get to the door, I shift Beibhinn’s weight to my right and reach for the brass knob.
“Aye,” Beibhinn shouts, “where are you taking me? This isn’t my prison cell.”
“Calm down, trouble. It’s my room. I can’t get into yours right now, so you can sleep off your mistakes in here.” I kick the door open and push into the room, then using my elbow, I flick on the dimmer lights.
Beibhinn’s eyes narrow, squinting against the brightness before she buries her head in my neck. “No sex for you.”
“So you’ve said. But trust me when I say I don’t make a habit of sleeping with girls who are too drunk to walk. I’ve no intention of taking your V-card.”
“That’s bollocks and you know it.” Her words are muffled against my neck. “Our dads have made up their minds. Leaving me here is just a formality—a box to be ticked.”
Carrying her towards the bed, I lower her down so she’s sitting on the edge. Holding her steady, I grip her upper arms, and she drops her chin to her chest, refusing to look me in the eye. Needing to assure her, I place my fingers beneath her chin and tip her gaze towards mine. “I might be an arsehole, Beibhinn, but I’m not a rapist. If and when I fuck you, it will be because you beg me to.”
“Not happening.” She lifts her wet T-shirt over her head, flashing me a free show. My eyes lick across her creamy skin for far longer than they should, making my dick stir behind my zipper. Finally, I snap out of it, dragging my eyes away. Spinning around, I face towards the door. “What the hell are you doing? One minute you’re telling me I can’t touch you, the next you’re flashing me your tits.”
“I’m all wet.” Logically I know she’s talking about her clothes but paired with the conversation we’re having it’s hard for my mind not to wander in an entirely different direction. “You can hardly expect me to sleep in wet clothes.”
Reaching over my shoulder, I grip the neck of my T-shirt and pull it over my head before tossing it at her. “Put that on.” My words are clipped, doing fuck-all to hide my current state.
“For fuck’s sake, Cadden. I didn’t take you for a prude. I’m going to be your wife someday, might as well take a look at what you’re getting.”
Careful not to draw attention to myself, I flick off the overhead light and then readjust my cock since it’s pressing against my zipper. “I’ll pass, thanks.”
“Your loss. My tits are awesome.” Finally, something we both agree on.
Behind me I can hear her wrestling with my T-shirt. Then, once I deem it safe, I turn back around. The moonlight streaming through the window provides enough light for me to see her climbing beneath the covers.
Before I can question myself or my actions, I kick off my jeans and stalk towards the opposite side of the bed, climbing in next to her, leaving far more space between us than necessary.
Beibhinn stiffens, and in the silence of the room, I hear the catch of her breath. “What are you doing?”
“The same thing you are. I’m going to sleep.”
She turns to her side, her back to me. “Fine. But if one toe touches me, you’re losing it. Got it?”