Page 84 of His Cursed Heart
I go around him and I fake stumble. His hand is immediately around my arm, keeping me on my feet.
"Careful," He says softly. I look at his arm that is on my T-shirt and all I want is to get out of here. I smile little at him and I go for the exit. "See you around." I stop at that and I turn to face him.
He smile makes my blood boil.
I almost run to Everette's office. I slam the door open and the men stop and look at me. Or maybe just my husband. Arius has the pink mask that hides his face.
At my alert face, Everette sits up quickly and bolts in front of me checking my body for any injuries.
"What happened?" His rough voice finally makes me speak. His eyes are angry and confused and his body has a tremble.
"What happens if Ivan is the killer?" I ask in a little voice.
"You've been listening all this time?" Everette asks me and he gets angrier. I look at Arius and I think he can see the desperation in my eyes.
"Knowing your husband, he'll hunt him down and make him wish he was dead." I look at Everette again and he nods in agreement.
I sigh and move my hands at the end of the T-shirt, taking it off me. I hear Everette curse and almost yelling at me.
My husband's eyes are moving down my body, eyeing the black sport bra that I'm wearing.
"Ivan was in the garage," I don't have time to finish because the two men are running to the door. "WAIT." I say but it's useless because my husband is already out, yelling for his men to go in the garage.
Arius stops and looks at me. It's the first time I'm alone with him.
He eyes the material in my hands and he comes next to me.
"He touched you, didn't he?" He asks with his hoarse voice. I nod and he takes the T-shirt from my hands. He moves quickly and gets his computer out along with some weird devices.
Everette comes back and he looks at me, still in my bra. My cheeks turn red and he gives me his jacket.
What a gentleman.
He then looks at Arius in action along with my T-shirt and he finally gets why I took my shirt off.
"Did he touch you?" He turns my face to him and I can feel his tight muscles.
"I pretended to fall and he caught me." I explain like it helps. Everette's hands are brushing my wild hair while he tries to calm down.
After about an hour, the computer makes a weird noise.
We all look at it and the words on the screen changes everything.
The fingerprints are a match.
“Call Venus.” I whisper in anger.
A disturbing buzz wakes me up from my sleep.
I don't remember falling asleep and I certainly don't remember falling asleep in a bed, next to Althea.
Her body faces mine and her legs are tangled with mine. Althea's hand is on my naked chest and sleeps without a care in the world. I admire her beautiful face and her relaxed figure.
She's so fucking breathtaking and I swear my heart can't take it.
The buzz comes again and I look at the bedside table on Althea's part. How isn't she waking up? That thing is loud.
I try to clear my vision, the darkness in the room making it harder and I lean over Althea trying to not wake her. I take the buzz realizing that is her phone. The number is foreign and my blood start to boil.