Page 92 of His Cursed Heart
teeth?" I look at my little brother and he nods, letting a guard to put him down.
Scarface goes with him immediately and in the kitchen is just me and my husband.
We don't look at each other, our pride being too hurt.
"My parents will come tomorrow to meet Vincent."
"I'll stay home in case Ivan will make an appearance."
"Good night." He says annoyed and leaves the table. He barely touched his food.
I let my head fall on the chair and I groan. "Good night."
When the clock hits midnight, I take one of his cars and go where I know it's worse.
Anubis's bark makes me almost break the car window.
Him and Trinity are staring at me while I try to fix my car, again. It's not something I wished I was doing at eight in the morning, but I can't face my wife right now.
She lies, and she knows I'm not that stupid to believe her. Not when she almost had a panic attack when I said that bastard's name.
How am I gonna earn her trust when she doesn't even trust herself?
I can give her time if that's what she wants. I can give her anything in this world, even my own heart. I just wish she would stop lying to me and to herself. To admit that she's not okay and let me kill whatever hurt her.
Last night when I asked her about her birthday, she whispered something unknowingly. Something she said on our wedding night also.
Them, emotions. Feelings.
The tear that left her eye is a reminder for me every time I think of her. A reminder that I don't hate her. It feels impossible to hate her.
I'll give you time, Althea.
I look at the heart my wife drew on my car feeling kind of fond. The lines around the car are gone, but I think I'll keep this pretty little heart.
One that has a knife in it.
Anubis barks again and this time he went straight for the door. Trinity looks at me with doe eyes and I raise my hand slowly toward her, letting her smell the shit out of me.
Her wet nose touches my skin and then she licks my hand shyly. Her non-existing tail wiggles and she bumps her head around my hand in excitement.
Well shit. I didn't expect that.
"You're much nicer than your brother, I have to give you that." I say to the Dobermann and I freeze. I just talked to the damn dog, didn't I?
Anubis barks again and this time I realize that multiple voices appear from upstairs. I turn to put my tools in their place while Trinity shoves her head into me.
"Can you make your mom like me like that too?" I whisper to her and she licks my face. I scrunch my nose at the feeling.
"Your family arrived." At her voice, I turn my neck until I hear a crack. I let my eyes stare at her bags under the eyes that somehow still make her so beautiful. Her hair is pulled into a ponytail and she wears a pair of short black pants with a floral purple shirt.
You're supposed to be mad at her.