Page 93 of His Cursed Heart
Trinity runs to her immediately, leaving me behind like I'm a bag of trash.
I shake my head and I stand from my position, feeling her eyes on my back.
"I'll be there in a minute." I dismiss her but of course she's not listening. I turn slightly and see her petting her dogs, but she looks at the car.
"That poor car." She whispers but it's loud enough to hear. "Who did that?" I smirk a little and erase it before turning to face her. I walk toward her and when I'm in front of my wife, I look down into her brown eyes. Her lips are big and shiny and they beg to be kissed.
"I wonder the same thing." I say at I leave the room before I do something that I'll regret.
I can't think when I'm around her. It's like she takes my thoughts and erase them, putting herself in there. My father would love this.
I go in the bedroom to change my shirt into a clean one, seeing the bed untouched.
She didn't sleep in our bed last night.
I look over the desk and find my laptop. I quickly open it and look at the security cameras Arius put in Ivan's house. The cameras aren't showing anything and I let my frustration out.
Where the fuck is he? He disappeared in a day.
I put my hands on my face, tired of everything that's happening.
I leave the room and head for the kitchen and when I'm in front of Vincent's room I can see him on his bed, playing with his fingers. I look at his little face and all I can see is Keres. They both took Hanibal's eyes and face structure, along with the nose and the little dimple in the chin.
And while Vincent looks like his father and other sister, when you get to know him, he's all Althea. His voice is fearless, his eyes are ready to bury you and his temper is copy pasted from the one who raised him. I know he'll grow into an honorable man, nothing like
his snake of a father.
I enter his room with little steps because the damn panther is looking at me with fury. Vincent sees the tension his animal is in and he looks up to me. His blue eyes hold too much emotion for a four-year old. Vincent looks conflicted and his face has a little frown.
Vince puts his hand on the panther's head and that gives me green light. I lean in front of him and take his cheek in my big hand.
"What's wrong?" He looks at me for a second, trying to trust me.
"I-what if- e se non gli piaccio?" I've never felt more dumb than right now. His face looks very anxious and I'm pretty sure he asked me something.
"Bud, if you want me to help you, speak English." I softly say. I don't want to make him believe I'm angry because he speaks in Italian. I'm actually impressed.
"What if they don't like me?" His whisper makes my chest hurt.
"They... who?"
"Your family." He avoids my eyes. I let out a sigh and I stand from my position just to sit on his bed. I put my hands under his armpits and place him on my right thigh.
Vincent buries his face in my chest and stays there. I swear my heart missed a beat.
Vincent is my heir. He needs to be strong and merciless, but he turned out just like his whore of a sister.
Hanibal never hold Vincent in a fatherly way, didn't he? He never hugged his son and assured him everything it's fine.
The boy in my arms doesn't know what a father is. Or a mother. All he has is Althea.
I raise my hand and put it on his hair, caressing
"They will love you, bud. Do you know why I'm so sure?" He shakes his head in my chest. "Because you're a strong boy who loves his sister very much and you'll do everything in your power to protect her, and my family admire boys like you."
I feel him move and when I look down at him, I meet his baby blue eyes.