Page 94 of His Cursed Heart
"Promise?" He whispers again.
My sister doesn't believe in promises.
"You have my word, Vince." He nods and I stand up with him still in my arms, but he doesn't argue.
I move toward the door and when I see the animal walking with us, I quickly close the door behind us.
My mother will have a panic attack if she sees Scarface.
I walk down the stairs and I see my parents and Emmeline at the table laughing at something Allan said.
I see Althea next to Emmeline and when she sees me and Vincent, she comes quickly at us.
"Everything okay, bug?" She asks him with concern. Vincent simply nods and then he moves his gaze at the people who are watching us with big smiles.
I put him in the high chair between mine and Althea's and his cheeks are turning red.
"Look at this handsome boy, Seth." My mom looks at Vincent with a big, warm smile. My dad, too, looks at him with gentle eyes.
"I'm Seth and this is my wife, Vivian. I see you like Marvel?" He adores that shit. His room is full of superheroes and comic books and even know, he wears a T-shirt with Avengers logo and pants with 'I am Hulk' written all over.
Vincent looks at Althea and she nods with a little
"I'm Vincent and I love Marvel." He says so adorably that I think my heart melt.
"Really? Who's your favorite?" Emmeline asks with curious eyes. Vincent's face is red at the attention.
"I can't choose." Spiderman. He'll always choose Spiderman, but he's being a good boy right now.
"Mine's Thor." Allan says while drinking his coffee.
"No one asked you." Me and Emmeline say in unison. Vincent looks at me with narrow eyes. I take a spoon of yogurt and put in my mouth, waiting for his question.
"Who is your favorite, Keaton?" I freeze. About that.
"I never watched any Marvel movies." Four heads turn to look at me with wide mouths.
"What?!" Vincent yells.
"How is that possible?" Allan asks with horror.
"Not even Spiderman?" Althea asks, the shock making her forget that she is mad at me.
"You're no brother of mine." Emmeline says with disappointment.
"I watched League of Justice." I try to defend myself.
"WHAT?!" Vincent snarls.
"You're no brother of mine." Emmeline says again. Althea and Allan are to stunned to speak.
"Why are you all reacting like I just killed someone?" I say offended.
"Killing someone would've been understandable." Allan says and Vincent nods.
"We'll watch Iron Man tonight." Vincent says confident.