Page 79 of Tempting Devil
“Releasing the audio recording will most likely reopen the investigation into your death,” Henry remarked gravely. “It might spook Liam, even if it doesn’t mention him specifically. It’ll be proof that James conspired with someone to kill you.”
“Which is why we’ll need to move on Liam right away.”
“Will you be ready?”
“Trust me. I’ve been waiting to torture that mother fucker since the day I escaped,” Gideon replied harshly. “It’s time he finally understands the true price of his greed.”
The more I listened, the sicker I felt.
Part of me understood his need for revenge. But another part recoiled at hearing him talk so callously about taking a life, as if it was of little consequence to him. It reminded me too much of my sperm donor.
I whirled around, wanting to get out of this place, to hell with whether Gideon thought it was safe for me to return to my townhouse. It was safer than being in such close quarters as someone who willingly admitted to killing another man.
And who planned to do it again.
But as I attempted to retreat without alerting anyone to my presence, my feet made more noise against the hardwood floor than I’d intended, and the door flew open.
I didn’t stop. Instead, I kept my head down, wishing I’d soon wake up from this nightmare.
But I wouldn’t.
I’d gone through the same thing in the days following Samuel’s death. Back then, I would have given anything to have Samuel back, but not like this. Because the Samuel I knew wouldn’t be so casual about taking another man’s life.
And that was the Samuel I wanted to remember.
Not this…stranger.
“Imogene, wait!” Gideon thundered, wrapping his hand around my wrist and yanking me to a stop.
“Don’t touch me,” I demanded.
He immediately released me, confusion swirling in his blue eyes.
The same blue eyes I peered into last night as he made love to me. Now they were different. Cold and hardened, reflecting the callousness of his tormented soul.
“What’s wrong?” He stepped closer, but didn’t make a move to touch me.
I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to get my thoughts in order. ”I just…” I lifted my gaze to his. “I don’t know if I can do this.”
“Do what?”
“This.” I gestured between our bodies. “Whatever this is. Last night, I saw the old Samuel again. And a part of me thought that maybe I could bring you back. That I could fix you. Or save you. I don’t know what exactly. But now?” I shook my head. “After hearing everything I just did, I don’t recognize this person who’s actively planning another man’s murder.”
His jaw clenched, and I could hear his argument without him uttering a word.
Because it was the same argument I’d had with myself over the past several days.
“I get it,” I continued before he could say anything in his defense. “I understand these bastards betrayed you. That you had to endure things…”
I trailed off, my voice catching as my emotions overwhelmed me from the memory of his scars. Tracing my fingers along them last night. Kissing each one, hoping it would be enough for him to move on from his past.
How foolish of me to have thought that.
“The other day when I overheard your conversation with Henry, something you said stood out to me.”
“What’s that?”