Page 46 of Big Britches
“I’m glad you feel that way. Tu tambien eres muy guapo—so big, so muscled, and so American.”
“You do realize Mexico is part of America, too.”
“You know what I mean.”
“What? That I’m southern?… Green-go?… Red-neck?” Titus pronounced each of the two-syllable words with a progressively over-the-top twang.
“All of it. But mostly, you make me feel safe.”
“I’m gonna say this once—not because I want to scare you, but because you should be aware. After that, we’ll move on.”
Pedro sobered, concerned.
“Silas Compton was mean as a snake when we were in school. I’m fairly certain he beat up that kid because he’s racist. There’s plenty of that going around in both Spoon and Morehead, but that’s a conversation for another time. And people do change, I know that. Maybe he’s no longer that way. But I don’t believe it for a minute. I want you to keep an eye on him and let me know if you ever suspect I’m right. I’m not keen at all on him being your boss.”
“OK. Sure. I will. Thank you for telling me. Hopefully, he has changed.”
“Meanwhile, I’m gonna let him know I need you at least three days a week.”
Pedro choked mid-sip. “How? He won’t?—”
“Yes, he will. You leave that to me. I may not get out much these days, but I haven’t forgotten how to play the game.”
“I’m reclusive, too. I only know my coworkers, Barb, and now you.”
“Did you speak with Barb about me?”
“I did. I hope that’s OK.”
Titus’s brow furrowed with a faux scowl that quickly morphed into a grin. “Yeah, it’s all good. She’d’ve figured it out, eventually. Barb wants me to be happy. When Violet died, she hounded me about finding a man. It was just too soon, though. I wasn’t ready.”
“She speaks very highly of you.”
“The feeling’s mutual. We’re close because we grew up together sharing the same secret. I think when I married Violet, she may have felt a little betrayed.”
“How long have you known each other?”
“We used to run around this very yard in diapers.”
Pedro shook his head, bemused.
“It’s a small town. You’ll get used to it. I like it out here in the country, though, away from others. Just me, and Tucker, and now you. I hope.”
“So, tonight? This isn’t just a booty call?”
“No.” Titus said, his expression incredulous. He sat up, taking Pedro’s hands the way he had earlier that day. “No way. Whatever gave you that idea?”
“I don’t know. Everything just happened so fast. And you were naked when I got here.”
“Ah, shit. I—I,” Titus stammered.
“–not that I minded,” Pedro added.
“It’s just–this is all new to me, P. I’m flying by the seat of my pants.”
Now Pedro’s brow creased. “Pants are britches, too, no? Is it the same meaning?”
“Sorry. Yes, they are, but no, different saying. What I meant is that I’m going by instinct here–what our bodies are saying to each other. I always thought sex between men would be easier. Fewer worries—especially with things like pregnancy. Seems to me we should be less uptight about it all.”