Page 15 of Omega for Sale
“Brother,” Zion moans. “It’s too much.”
Aiden chuckles against my sex. He bites theinside of my thigh, thrusting three thick fingers inside my weepingchannel.
“Show Bella your cock, Zion,” hecommands.
In a flash his sweats are lowered enough forhis erection to spring free. The length and girth having me suckingin a breath. It’s only the second cock I have ever seen but no lessimpressive than Aiden’s. A pearl of whiteish cum clings to the tipand I can’t help but lick my lips as I stare at it.
Aiden uses the fingers inside me to punishthe action, thrusting harder than before. Not that I mind, the edgeof pain drawing my orgasm out of me even faster. He must realize itbecause he rips his fingers from inside me before shoving them intomy mouth. I taste my own muskiness right before he spears me withhis erection. I moan indecently around his fingers, loving theperfect feel of him filling me.
My gaze shifts back to Zion as my pleasureskyrockets. Madness shines in his eyes as he harshly works his handover his erection staring at me. I feel beautiful and wanted,powerful even. It’s a strange and heady feeling.
Aiden thrusts harshly, his fingers in mymouth while his other hand harshly gropes my breast. Zion makes astrangled noise in his throat as a tear slips down my cheek, thepleasure overwhelming me. Zion’s hand moves faster as Aiden’sthrusts become erratic, more forceful, and less measured. A screamtears from within me when Aiden stills, pumping me full of cum andsetting his knot in place. My orgasm crests over me like a wavebefore crashing down on me, dragging me under.
Zion curses as his own orgasm bursts forth,landing on the floor beside the car. All three of us breatheheavily in the large interior of the garage. Aiden smiles at me,grinding his knot inside me, drawing little aftershocks out of me,and I can’t help but smile in return.
“You’re both nuts,” Zion says beforestomping away.
Chapter Nine
“Her mother isn’t nearly as sick as theincompetent doctors at the governmental hospital made it sound. Shehas some malignant cysts on her ovaries,” Owen explains a weeklater as we sit in my office. “I am so tired of the incompetencethe government keeps peddling to the lower class.”
I know what he means. If Bella’s mom hadbeen receiving proper health care, she never would have needed toauction herself off. But then I never would have met her.
“So, what is our course of action?” Iask.
“Dehlia and I have already spoken,” he sayscrossing his arms across his chest. “Since she won’t be having anyother children, we have elected for full sterilization.”
I nod, agreeing that it’s better to get itover with than to take any chances. And if Owen says it is the bestdecision for her health, I trust him. He is trained for these kindsof things after all.
A knock sounds on my office door before Zionwalks in. His gaze is trained on his phone, glaring at somethingbefore he looks at me.
“We need to talk.”
“Thanks for all your help, Owen,” I say asmy friend rises to leave. “Let me know when the procedure willhappen. I want to update Bella.”
“Will do,” he says with a wave beforeleaving my office, closing the door behind him.
I wait until Zion takes a seat before Iaddress him. “Have you forgotten your manners?”
“It was just Owen,” he replies with an eyeroll. “Besides, I don’t think you’ll want me to hold onto thisinformation for long.”
“Well then…”
“Mr. Anderson has been caught takingbribes,” Zion says, handing his phone to me with the articlealready loaded. “I know we have used him in the past, so we mayneed to consider finding an alternative.”
I’m not really listening to him as paniccauses my chest to seize up. It’s been just over a week since wewere in his office, Bella and I becoming an officially bonded pair.Is that still valid? Or will the government be going through allhis transactions and voiding them all?
“I need to go.”
“Fuck hell, Aiden!” my brother exclaims. “Wehave problems, and you want to run off to God knows where.”
“You can handle anything on the businessend, I know you’re capable. But right now, I need to make sure thatBella and I are fully bonded before the government decides torescind any of the transactions Mr. Anderson preformed.”
“I thought you were,” he says with afrown.
“She never bit me.” I sigh. “We’ve been toobusy fucking like rabbits.”