Page 16 of Omega for Sale
“Shit,” Zion murmurs, running his handsthrough his hair. “What if they decide your bonding isn’t valid inthe eyes of the law?”
“I’ll cross that bridge if we ever get toit. Right now, I must do everything I can to make sure she is tiedto me in every way possible.”
He nods and I walk out, taking the stairstwo at a time. I find Bella in the upstairs library, reading abook. I mostly leave her to her own devices, trying to give hersome space. I want to constantly be around her, talk to her, andspend time with her, but I need to hold myself back. This is abonding of convenience and me getting all possessive and needyisn’t in the cards.
Bella smiles when she sees me standing inthe doorway.
“Aiden, is there something you need?” sheasks sitting on a black couch with her legs tucked under her.
I stare at her, no words forming as I takeher in. She is wearing a white tank top and dark-grey shorts, justrelaxing at home. But I swear I have never seen anything sexier.Instantly, I want to fuck her. I want her to be as addicted to meas I am to her.
Stepping inside, I close the door behind me,flicking the lock behind me.
“We have a problem,” I say.
Bella frowns, waiting for me tocontinue.
“The official I bribed to perform ourbonding has been found out.”
“I don’t understand,” she says, confusioncoating her words.
“I don’t know what is going to happen. Butwe need to seal our bond so that we can’t be separated if they findout I bribed him.”
“Tell me the truth,” she says softly. “Whatwill happen if the government finds out the truth?”
I don’t want to say the words, but I knowthat she deserves to know the outcome. “I’ll end up in prison andyou’ll be sent to one of the omega relocation camps.”
A tear streaks down her cheek and my heartbreaks a little. I know she is depending on me to hold up my end ofthe deal.
“I have a plan, though,” I say pulling heronto my lap when I sit down beside her. “I want us to ensure thatour bond is fully set in place. But I want you to bond with Ziontoo.”
“What?” she asks, shocked.
“If the government does decide to rescindour bonding, you’ll still be bonded to him. It’s the only way Iknow to be sure that you and your mom are safe,” I explain. It’sthe most effort I have put into being gentle with her. But my heartis pounding with fear for her safety, and I need her to agree tothis.
The omega relocation camps are horrendous.They break the bond using any means necessary. Afterward thegovernment chooses a new Alpha to whom they are bound. Most of theomegas at The Sanctuary are there because they escaped from justsuch matches. And some of the stories I have heard set my teeth onedge. I can’t imagine my beautiful omega being put throughsomething like that. Equal parts of rage and fear course through meat the thought alone.
“I don’t know how else to secure your safetyand he’s the only man I trust with you.”
I stare at him in dismay. For the past week,the only times Aiden has sought me out has been for sex. We eatbreakfast and dinner together but for the rest of the time heleaves me alone. I long to spend time with him, to get to know himoutside of the bedroom, but he doesn’t seem interested.
Now he wants me to bond with his brother aswell. I’ve heard of omegas being shared before, but it was never awilling situation and none of the Alphas bonded to them.
There is a dull pain in the center of mychest caused by his words. I don’t know if I want to cry or hithim, probably both. I’m bound to him for the rest of my damn life,and he just suggested sharing me. I can’t imagine letting anothermale touch me.
And the thought of him touching anotherfemale makes my vision swim with unbridled rage.
“And what happens when you don’t go toprison? I’ll be stuck with two Alphas!” I stand and pace the lengthof the library. “I didn’t even want to be bound to you!”
The words are out before I can stop them,and I regret them instantly. I may not have wanted him when thisstarted but I do want him now. I have slowly been falling for hisstoic personality and the way he holds me at night. He talks in hissleep, murmuring my name and making me smile.
“Be that as it may,” he says with a glare.“We need a fallback with this new information coming to light.”
I glare at him in return. Zion isattractive—he is Aiden’s twin afterall—and what happened in the garage wasfun, but I don’t want another Alpha. I want my Alpha.