Page 20 of Tailwhip
Once we get over to the gap with the bikes and one camera, Clay gears up to jump the gap. It looks great at first, but the landing is rough as he crashes hard into the grass. Jax goes next, landing, but shortly after, he crashes as well. Instead of jumping the gap, Grady does a feeble grind on the ledge. With all the team calling him a chicken shit for not trying out the gap, he says “Fuck you all, I am too drunk for that shit.”
I am swaying as I stand, watching them all attempt this; Nash and I try to do the gap together, only to crash into each other once we land. That is when I call it a night for myself. Getting a peg jammed into your side in a crash doesn’t feel too great. I think everyone decides it is time to call it a night, realizing we are going to have a long drive to Austin, and it’s going to be shitty.
Back at the hotel, I think to myself now would be a good time to get Grady and Clay back for the bucket of water this morning, or yesterday morning, more like it. Also, it is time for initiation for Noah and Mateo. Getting Chase and Jax to help me out, we were able to get into Grady and Clay’s room. Once in the room, we notice Clay is passed out on the bed and Grady is in the shower. Opening the bags of flour, we pour it all over Clay with no reaction; we then sneak into the bathroom where Grady is in the shower. We dump another bag of flour over the shower curtain. With a very hungover, unenthusiastic voice, all we hear is, “YOU GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME.”
I yell, “Good morning, asshole!”
For good measure, we shut the lights off as we leave the bathroom. Coming back to the bed where Clay is still passed out, Jax and Chase each light a single black cat on each side of the bed, walking back to the end and waiting for them to go off. Once the fireworks go off, and waking up right away, Clay says in a slurred voice, “WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING, and WHAT THE FUCK IS ALL OVER ME?”
Before he can figure out who did this, we are out of the room and headed toward our own rooms to finally crash for the night.
Drink to Moving On – Grand National
After sending everything to Heath the other night, I have yet to hear back from him to see if the publisher wants me to change anything or rewrite certain chapters. It is kind of making me anxious and on edge. However, my brain is mush from going over everything they originally wanted, but I somehow made it happen.
As if he knew I was thinking about him, Heath calls me. Answering the phone nervously, I say, “Hey Heath! I hope you have some news about the book?”
“That is, in fact, why I am calling. The publishers liked everything you provided. They want to print copies right away and get them on store shelves. They also suggested that it would be a good idea for you to get social media so your fans can follow your work once you write other books.”
“Ugh,” is all I can muster at this moment. I never wanted to be on social media. I like being private, but I get what they are saying.
“So, do I need to do an account on all platforms or just a certain one?”
“Really Ashlynn? Would it hurt to have a couple of them? I can help you monitor them, too, since I know you don’t care about them at all.”
“Alright, I will do it. Anything else to do?”
“Yep, they want you to go and do some signings.” Holy shit, this is really happening. This is everything I have always wanted to do.
I want to call Anthony and tell him the good news, but I don’t want to bother him on his tour, since that is his time with his team. So, I call the next best person, Neha! Her phone just continues to ring and ring. Hanging up, I give up for the time being and start getting on social media to open my accounts. It feels very strange to put myself out there, but I get an excited feeling when I type “author” under my name and “coming soon Missed Calls”. I may or may not have made a loud, excited squeal. As I am on Instagram, I go and follow the Overbear page and watch a few of the videos uploaded. I notice one of them is just a prank video that Anthony, Chase, and I assume one of the riders setting off freaking blackcats by the bed, where another person is passed out and covered in what looks like flour. I can’t help but laugh out loud at his reaction. I hope when they come through Colorado, I can meet the whole team.
Hearing my phone ringing, I pick it up and see it is Neha. I am so excited to tell her the news. I answer right away. “Hey, sorry I missed your call earlier. I was in a meeting.”
“No worries, but I do have something exciting to tell you! The publisher is going to start printing the book and get it in stores and they want me to do a few signings!”
Silence is coming from Neha’s end. Stunned, I am sure. “Shit, Ashlynn, that is so amazing. I am proud of you. We have to drink tonight to celebrate. Tell Heath his ass is coming with us too. We may need a DD.”
I smile to myself–Heath is the most self-controlled person I know, he only drinks water and iced tea, sometimes. “He would for sure be the DD; you know he doesn’t drink.”
A couple of hours later, Neha is at the house, and we're getting ready to head out for the night. Normally, I wouldn't do this. I’m an introvert and just prefer staying at home, but it's a special occasion. “So, have you told Anthony the good news?”
Turning toward her while I do my hair, I say, “No, I haven’t. I don’t want to bother him while he is doing the tour. He looks like he is having fun, though. I opened an Instagram page per the publisher’s request and followed Overbear.”
Giving me a strange look, she says, “You know he wouldn’t think you were bothering him; you know that, right?”
“Yeah, I know.”
I look over and she tells me, “You know I talked to him a couple days ago. Before you say anything, it was for the magazine. They want to get a spread done on him and his team for the park tour.”
Thinking to myself, that is awesome. “That’s great! When do you get to write it?”
“When they are out here in Colorado at the Memorial Skate Park.”
I probably should see if he wouldn’t mind me coming there, but I ask anyway. “Can I come with you out to the park and surprise Anthony?”