Page 21 of Tailwhip
“Ah yeah, I think that would be a good idea!”
After getting ready and waiting for Heath to get to the house, I go through the mail really quick, and notice that there is a letter with no return address. Slowly opening the envelope, it is a single sheet of paper and all it says is “STAY AWAY FROM HIM.” Okay, this is freaky, but I don’t say anything to Heath or Neha about it.
We are soon heading out on I-70 to go to Denver, since they have more options for places to have drinks at, unlike Frisco being a smaller town and not much to choose from. “I can’t believe you both dragged me out with you and as your DD let alone!” Heath tells us from the driver’s seat.
“I am sure one drink wouldn’t kill you, Heath, but thank you for coming, anyway! We are celebrating you, too. Since you are my agent and all!”
“Yeah, yeah. Just please don’t get out of control. I know you think you are an introvert, Ashlynn, but once you start feeling good, you become a social butterfly!”
Neha laughs at this and turns around. “It is so true! I can’t get you to shut up when you are feeling the drinks; I love it though!”
Just as we pull up to the bar and park, I get a text from Anthony!
After sending the last text, Anthony calls me. “Hi, how are you?”
“I feel like shit, honestly. We had too much fun last night at a bar, and all of us got shitfaced. We are paying for it today!” I don’t think I have ever seen Anthony drunk before, only ever drinking a few beers here and there.
“At least you guys had fun, even though you all feel like shit!” I tell him.
“Ugh, yeah, I guess so. I never want to drink like that again. Anyway, what are you celebrating?”
I smile to myself because I am excited to fill him in on everything that has happened. Anthony stays quiet while I tell him everything about what the publisher said.
Finally, when I am done, he blows out a breath. “Fuck baby, I am so excited for you. What cities will you be going to for the signings?”
“Honestly, I don’t know. I didn’t even think to ask. I am sure Heath knows.” Talking for a few more minutes, I tell Anthony I am going to go since Neha and Heath are waiting for me. “Ok have a good night, and Heath better make sure you make it home in one piece, safe and sound.”
“Anthony, he is our DD. He doesn’t like to drink. We are in good hands.”
All he says is, “Better be!”
After hanging up, I make it inside and look around to see where Neha and Heath are. I might have lucked out with this publisher moving forward with my book, but when it comes to being out in public, luck hasn't been on my side. Across the bar is Ryan again. He instantly spots me and gives me a cocky smile with a head nod. I just roll my eyes and continue on my way to find my friends. I am soon stopped, though, with Ryan standing in my way. “Ashlynn, how can I get so lucky to see you twice in a few weeks?”
“I wouldn’t call it lucky, more like a bad coincidence.”
Shaking his head at me, he says, “Why are you like that with me? I know I was an asshole, and I am sorry for that.”
I give him an odd look; he has never apologized before. “What is wrong with you? Why are you now saying this?”
“Yeah, I know I’ve never said sorry. Just seeing you these past few weeks made me realize how much I miss you–us!”
Dumbfounded, I don’t even know exactly what to say to him, but I find my words. “Well, apology accepted, but there will never be an ‘us' again. That ship has sailed.”
Ryan looks almost hurt by this, but also a little pissed off. “What do you mean that ship has sailed? We can work on it, and it will be good this time.”
Turning around to end this conversation, Ryan grabs my right wrist. Turning around and looking at him, I tell him, “I can’t be with someone who doesn’t support my goals in life.”
“This is about the book. I was just being honest with you about it; it’s not going to go anywhere.”
I pinch the bridge of my nose because–once again–he is being the biggest asshole. “It’s only okay for me to support your goals in our relationship, but not the other way around. Also, just to let you know, that same book was, in fact, picked up by a publisher and is going to print soon! So, I guess I didn’t need your support after all!”
“Must be a small publisher, if they liked that crap.”
Balling up my fist, I feel the need to hit him right across his freaking face. “I am serious, Ashlynn; I want to be back with you.”
Shaking my head with a wide smile on my face, I make eye contact with Ryan. “Well, I don’t want to be with you. I am seeing someone.”
His face drops with that remark. “Who are you seeing and for how long?”