Page 48 of Tailwhip
I give her a kiss on the corner of her mouth. “Only a little!”
Opening the door, Neha has the living room filled with balloons and confetti everywhere. She is bouncing up and down, waiting for me to move my hand. Once I do, we all yell at the same time, “Happy Birthday!”
Ashlynn jumps back into my chest. “Oh my god, you guys! This is so awesome. Thank you.”
Neha comes over and gives Ashlynn a hug and hands her a tea to drink. “I figured you would want something warm to drink!”
Taking the mug, she smells her cinnamon tea. “Yes, I am freezing!”
Both Noah and Mateo come over and give Ashlynn a hug. “Hope you don’t mind, we came for the surprise and Thanksgiving!” Mateo tells her.
Smiling big, she says, “You guys are staying for Thanksgiving, I don’t mind at all!”
Everyone leaves shortly after to go to the restaurant and get a table; we let them all know we will be there shortly.
Ashlynn and I head to the bedroom so we can get changed. We are keeping it casual and laid back tonight–no bars, since Noah and Mateo are here. “Anthony, thank you for the surprise. Is that the only reason you agreed to go on a walk with me?”
Throwing my head back laughing because she knows me so well, I say, “You caught me; that is the only reason I went on a walk today. It was too damn cold to be out there.”
Pulling off her t-shirt, I pull her into a hug. “I know your birthday isn’t for a few days, but I wanted you to enjoy it before Thanksgiving!”
Pulling me down to kiss her and without breaking our kiss, she walks backwards to the bed and falls on it, taking me with her. We start making out and I start pulling away. “Baby, we need to get ready.”
Moaning from the kiss I am giving her on her neck, breathlessly she tells me, “Didn’t you say there’s always time for us to do something?” She’s using my own words back at me.
Since that’s the case, I move down and pull down her pants and thong and start licking her clit, while I put a couple of fingers in her, working her in two sensitive areas. “Give me that orgasm, Ashlynn!”
Opening her eyes and looking down at me, she says, “Put another finger in me; I want three.”
Holy shit, I do what she asks, once I put the third finger in her pussy, she starts to arch her back and with it she lets her orgasm flow throughout her body. Once she is done, I sit up and lick her off my fingers. We finish getting ready and head out for dinner.
Once we're all sitting down, the conversations go in all directions. I catch the tail end of Mateo’s conversation with Ashlynn. He tells her about the new competition I entered him and Noah in for next year in Santa Cruz, California. “Mateo, that sounds awesome, I am sure you and Noah will do great and probably win at street and dirt!”
After our food arrives, we all dig in. “So, what are everyone's plans for tomorrow?” I ask.
Neha finishes chewing her food, “Ashlynn and I are having girl time tomorrow. I haven’t talked to her since you all got back from Seattle!”
Of course, Neha wants to know every detail about Seattle. Looking over at the guys, I ask, “What do you all have planned tomorrow?”
Nick speaks first. “I have to head to the airport; I have a few demos to attend for my new board designs.” Noah and Mateo surprise me with what they have planned, “We are going to try snowboarding up at Keystone!”
All of us look at them and start laughing. “You are going to have a rough day, but I am sure you guys will get it!” Ashlynn tells them. “It’s not that bad, don’t listen to them!”
After dinner, we all head home for the night, but not before Ashlynn and I drive Noah and Mateo up to Keystone, where they got an AirBNB for the night.
Back at the house, Ashlynn and I get into bed for the night. “Are you going to be in the competition in Santa Cruz too?” she asks me.
“Yes, I will. It is a two-day event. The first day is a viewing for additional sponsorships; that’s what Noah and Mateo are signed up for, and day two is the pro day. It is the first few days of June. You’ll be on your book signing tour, so I don’t know if you can come, but I, of course, would like you to if possible.”
Letting out a big yawn, she says, “Well, lucky for you, I will be in San Francisco June 1st. So, I can drive up to Santa Cruz. It’s not far and I wouldn’t miss you riding. I love watching you ride–always have.”
It's nice to hear that she likes watching me ride. “Sounds like I will have the day to myself tomorrow with everyone gone. Chase is planning on sending me the first cut of the park tour that he started to see if I want to add or remove anything. So, at least I will have that to do.”
Letting out a little sigh, she says, “I won’t be with Neha all day!”
“It’s fine–take your time–I will have plenty to do with the video. We shot over one-hundred-and-fifty hours of footage. That’s a lot to go through.”
Ashlynn’s breathing has become steady and I realize she is falling asleep on me. “Are you falling asleep on me? Am I that boring?!”