Page 49 of Tailwhip
Lifting her head up off my chest, she says, “I’m sorry; I don’t know why I am so tired.”
Pulling her toward me, I give her a kiss. “It’s ok, go to sleep. I love you!”
Ashlynn lays her head back on my chest. “I love you too.”
She is out in no time, sound asleep.
Control - Mutemath
The next morning, I'm up early–even before Anthony. So, I decide to head out for my usual walk around the neighborhood, since it's cold out and lightly snowing. After getting back to the house, I open the door and am greeted by the smell of fresh coffee and breakfast. Heading to the kitchen, Anthony is at the stove cooking bacon along with adding batter to the waffle maker. “Smells good in here!”
Looking over his shoulder with a small smile, he says, “Good morning, baby! How was your walk? I got up pretty much right after you left.”
Moving toward the coffee, I pour myself a cup and hold on to it to heat my hands up. “The walk was good–cold!”
After checking on the waffle, Anthony comes over, sets my coffee down, and pulls me into him for a hug, instantly warming my body up. Then, he lifts me up and sets me on the counter. He brings a piece of bacon to my lips, and I take a bite. “Is it crispy enough for you?”
Nodding my head, I say, “It is perfect! Are the waffles almost done?”
Lifting the top to check on the batter once more, he says, “Just about… a few more minutes.”
Moving back to where I am sitting on the counter, he moves to stand between my legs, giving me light kisses all over my neck and then my lips. He holds me there in our kiss. After breaking apart, he says, “Are you sure you want to go to Neha’s today? It’s snowing pretty good!”
I tilt my head to the side because I was just outside, and it was only lightly snowing. I glance at the kitchen window, and the snow is coming down a lot more than when I was out. “Yes, I am going to Neha’s. Don’t worry, my truck is awesome in the snow! Or do you want to take me? That way, you have the truck in case you want to leave? I don’t mind walking home; sidewalks stay shoveled up here.”
“Absolutely not. I won’t let you walk home in the snow, no matter how much you like it.”
Hopping off the counter, I grab the plates and serve us the food. After finishing up breakfast, I go and get ready to get to Neha’s house before the snow starts coming down even more.
Anthony comes into the room right when I am done getting dressed. “You don’t have those Ugg boots to wear in the snow like all the girls?”
I look over at him. “Nope! My high-top Vans work just fine in the snow! Plus, can you honestly see me wear those boots?”
Letting out a laugh, he says, “No, I can’t see you wearing those at all, actually. However, these high-top vans are doing something for me!”
Going over where Anthony is laying on the bed, I lean down to give him a kiss bye. “I will be back in a few; don’t have too much fun without me.”
Walking to the door, I stop and look back at him. “High-tops, huh?”
Giving me a smirk, he says, “There’s just something about them! Be safe driving, please. I love you!”
Turning around and walking back to him, I grab his hand, so he stands up to give me a hug. Standing on my tip-toes for a kiss, I say, “I love you too; I’ll text you when I am heading home!”
Kissing my forehead, he says, “I like the sound of that–you coming home to me!”
Shaking my head at him, I turn and head out for Neha’s.
It only takes me five minutes to get to Neha’s house from mine when driving, even with the snow. She opens her front door as I am making my way up her porch steps. “Dude, it is beyond freezing out here, and all you have on is a dang hoodie and beanie.” Neha acts surprised by how I dress.
I hate driving with my heavy snow jacket on. “How long have you known me, Neha?! I never wear my jacket while driving.”
Shrugging her shoulders, she says, “That’s true. Get in here because we have lots to catch up on. I bought our favorite Moscato wine, too!”
Once inside, I am happy to see Neha has the fireplace going, with wine and snacks on the table. She is ready for a long day of catching up!