Page 30 of Hate to Love You
“There’s no shame in asking for help, Brody,” she reminds me. “Lots of students do.”
I nod. It has nothing to do with me being embarrassed to ask for assistance. It’s more about me wanting to control who knows about my issues.
Dr. Miller seems satisfied with my answer. “My plan is to check in with your other professors on a weekly basis. Then, when we meet on Wednesdays, we can go over your grade reports. We’re going to get through this together, okay, Brody?”
Her words have everything within me loosening. Dr. Miller will continue working with me and if I can get Natalie on board, I’ll be set. I’m just not sure how to convince her. Most days, that girl can barely stand to be in the same room with me.
I say goodbye to Dr. Miller and jog through the corridor, pushing out the main doors to leave the building. I hope Natalie didn’t take off on me. I wouldn’t put it past her. It takes my eyes a moment to adjust to the bright sunlight. There are a ton of students standing around shooting the shit.
Something instantly settles in me when my gaze lands on Natalie. Because all of my attention is focused on the long-legged brunette, it takes a moment to realize that she isn’t alone.
She’s standing with Kimmie.
Well, hell…
This is so not what I need right now.
Especially since Kimmie’s arms are flailing wildly around her. Even though I’m a good ten yards from them, I can hear Kimmie’s voice escalating in volume. She looks dangerously close to getting up in Natalie’s face. I rush down the stairs. Every long stride propels me closer to them. A small crowd of bystanders has gathered around the girls.
As soon as I reach them, I slide an arm around Natalie and tuck her close to my body. Kimmie’s eyes widen as hurt flashes through them. I’m not sure what Kimmie’s deal is. There’s nothing between us. We’re friends. That’s it.
We’ve never even hooked up.
I’m not saying that she hasn’t come on to me, I’m just saying it’s never happened between us.
It only takes one interaction with Kimmie to realize that she’s the type of chick who has the ability to go stalker-girl on you. All the signs are there, flashing like the lights on the Vegas strip. I steer clear of women who tell you that they’re cool with hooking up for a few hours but then end up sending you scathing text messages for months afterward and bashing you to every person they come into contact with.
Contrary to popular belief, I’m not a total dickhead. I’m always up-front about my intentions. If someone’s not into what I propose, so be it. There are plenty of others who are cool with a casual situation.
Striving for nonchalance, I say, “Hey, Kimmie. What’s up?”
I mentally groan when her eyes fill with tears. God, I hate when girls cry. Like any other man, it makes me feel helpless.
And, more often than not, ultimately responsible.
“So, it’s true then?” she whispers huskily. “You two are going out?”
Natalie opens her mouth, and I quickly cut her off because I have the feeling she’s about to blow us out of the water. And that, I just can’t have. It doesn’t surprise me that Natalie is having second thoughts about the nature of our relationship.
I get that.
I even expected it.
But here’s the deal…Natalie has been on my radar for three years. Now that I’ve maneuvered her into this position, the last thing I’m going to do is let her slip through my fingers.
Plus, I need a tutor, and she fits the bill perfectly.
I just have to convince her that she needs me as much as I need her.
It shouldn’t be all that difficult, right?
I’m a good-looking dude. I have a fairly decent personality. Most girls would chew off their own arms to date me. Even fake-date me. That being said, Natalie isn’t most girls. She’s the only one who would probably chew off her own arm to get away from me.
Go figure.
But first things first. I need to put the kibosh on the drama Kimmie is hell-bent on causing.
“Yep. Davies and I are together, all right.” When Natalie tries to interrupt again, I squeeze her to me and smack a quick kiss on her lips. Once she’s been effectively silenced, I pull back because I wouldn’t put it past her to try biting me. She glares. “We finally decided to make it official. Right, babe?”