Page 31 of Hate to Love You
That’s more of a rhetorical question. I don’t expect an answer. In fact, I’d prefer not to have one. Natalie just needs to stand there and simmer quietly while I get rid of Kimmie.
“But-but,” Kimmie sputters as if she doesn’t know what to say. Which is a first. “You don’t even like her!”
Natalie raises her brows as a smug expression settles on her face.
I shake my head. “Nah. It was never like that.”
Kimmie sucks her pouty lower lip between her teeth as her confused gaze bounces between us. Her eyes have welled again with unshed tears. “I thought you and I…” Her voice breaks. “I thought we had something special.”
Why would she think that?
Sure, I see her around at parties. But the only time we talk is during class. The girl yaps my ear off, making it difficult for me to concentrate. I’ve tried changing seats, but she follows me around like a lost puppy.
I glance at the growing crowd.
Don’t these people have someplace to be?
The last thing I want to do is embarrass Kimmie. Whatever happens here will spread around campus in the blink of an eye.
“I’m sorry, Kimmie,” I say gently. “I didn’t realize you felt that way.”
“I don’t understand…I’ve never even heard of you going out with a girl before.” She flicks her eyes at Natalie. “What makes her so special?”
Natalie’s body becomes whipcord tight, but she doesn’t say a word. I think she’s waiting to see how I wiggle out of this predicament.
I shrug and keep Natalie firmly anchored to my side in case she gets any ideas. “She’s smart and beautiful. Not to mention that sparkling personality of hers. Why wouldn’t I want to get to know her better? I’ve had my eye on Davies since freshman year. And now that she’s agreed to give me a shot, I’m taking it.”
Kimmie’s brows slide together. “Really?”
Her shocked tone annoys me. It’s like I just told her that I enjoy eating my own feces. “Yeah, really. I like Natalie. She’s a cool chick.”
“Huh.” My explanation seems to leave her flummoxed.
It’s time to wrap this up. There’s nothing more that needs to be said.
Again, Kimmie’s eyes shift between Natalie and me. I sense she wants to continue arguing. Like she’s going to talk me out of liking this girl. That isn’t going to happen. After a few uncomfortable moments, Kimmie’s shoulders sag, and she shrugs. “Okay. I guess I’ll see you later, Brody.”
“Yup.” Relief zips through me that I’ve managed to detonate this bomb without blowing all three of us to oblivion.
With one last soulful look aimed in my direction, Kimmie stalks away. Realizing that a catfight is not about to break out, the gathered crowd disperses leaving Natalie and me alone.
“You can let go of me now,” she growls.
I chuckle. “Maybe I don’t want to let go of you.” I realize there’s more than a kernel of truth to that statement. I like the feel of her tucked against me. She fits perfectly. Although it’s highly doubtful she thinks the same thing.
She punctuates my thoughts with a quick jab to the gut. I grunt and release my hold.
“You’re one violent chick, Davies.” I hate to admit it, but that quality is attractive as hell. She’s attractive as hell. It makes me wonder if there’s anything she could do to turn me off.
Looking relieved, Natalie steps out of my embrace. “You have no idea how violent I can be, McKinnon. But I have the distinct feeling you’re going to find out soon enough.”
I smile and rub my belly. “See? It’s only been two days, and already you know me so well. That’s why this is a match made in heaven.”
She sucks in a breath and slowly releases it. “Right. About that. I was hoping we could talk about this whole…situation.”
“Sure.” Whatever she wants to discuss isn’t going to be good. I can tell by the stiff set of her lips.
“Want to grab a coffee at Java House?” I ask.