Page 84 of Love to Hate You
Chapter Twenty-Six
The apartment is dark when I return. My lips curve remembering the pissed off look on Carter’s face when I told him that I was going out. Even though I didn’t catch his expression when I dropped the panty bomb, I have a pretty good idea what it looked like.
Carter wants to pretend we never hooked up?
That’s fine.
Two can play that game.
I can’t tell you just how satisfying it was to knock him off balance. Carter Prescott is used to being chased by the women of BU. He’s used to holding all the power. Well, that’s not going to happen with this girl.
On the way to the bedroom, I slip off my heels and glance down the hallway. Both Carter and Noah’s doors are closed. I assume Noah returned from his trip with Ashley. Once I’m in my room, I close the door and throw my purse and heels in the corner. I hadn’t been lying when I’d told Carter that I was going out on a date.
I did.
With Alex.
He stopped by the table Olivia and I’d been studying at this afternoon and we chatted for about ten minutes before he asked if I was interested in getting together that night. My first inclination had been to say no. But then I thought…why shouldn’t I go out?
Carter made it perfectly clear this morning that us getting physical had been a mistake. So, there was no reason for me not to go out with a cute guy who has potential. Right?
We ended up grabbing dinner and seeing a movie. It was casual and low key. Alex fits the profile I usually go for. Tall, athletic, and nice looking. Added bonus, he has dimples. He was the perfect gentleman and didn’t try to get all touchy feely. What I really liked was his sense of humor. I couldn’t ask for a more perfect guy.
Or first date.
And yet it wasn’t.
A certain dark-haired football player dominated most of my thoughts which was annoying as hell. Carter is the last person I want to dwell on. Especially since I’m nothing more than a regrettable decision on his part.
Well, screw him.
I turn on the bedside light and strip off my shirt. As I do, a movement from the corner of my eye catches my attention and I nearly jump out of my skin. I slap a hand over my mouth to stifle a scream when my gaze lands on the guy stretched out on top of the comforter.
Carter bolts up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. “Calm down, it’s just me.”
“What are you doing in here?” I whisper-shout as my heart thrashes under my breast.
What the hell is wrong with this guy?
Is he trying to give me a heart attack?
He ignores the question. “Who were you out with?”
So, we’re back to this again.
I fold my arms across my chest and glare as the adrenalin dissipates from my body. “No one you know.” Before he’s able to fire off any other questions, I add, “And, more importantly, it’s none of your business.”
Carter rises to his feet and towers over me.
“What are you doing, Daisy?” His eyes narrow. “Is this some sort of game you’re playing?”