Page 85 of Love to Hate You
My mouth falls open.
A game?
“Excuse me? You were very clear about your feelings this morning. What did you think was going to happen when you told me you weren’t interested? That I was going to sit around and mope? Maybe pine away for you?” I shake my head and press my lips together before adding, “You know me better than that.”
He slides both hands into his hair and spins away so his back is turned toward me. “Fuck,” he mutters under his breath. “Why do you have to make this so difficult?”
“I’m not doing anything.”
He swings around again. His big body moves with the fluid grace of an athlete. But it’s the way his eyes spark with heat that holds me captive.
“Yeah, you are.” His gaze drops to my lips and he shakes his head. “This can’t happen, Daisy. We discussed it.”
I’m over this conversation. I don’t want to keep rehashing the same thing. It does neither of us any good.
“Okay.” I shrug. “I’m not sure why you felt the need to stop by and clarify that for me, but I’ve got it. Message received loud and clear.” I turn my back and unhook my bra. A surge of gratification rushes through me as he rasps out a strangled sound. I throw a glance over my shoulder. “If that’s all you came here to say, feel free to leave.”
He watches me with a tortured expression on his face.
I don’t know why I’m so intent on pushing him. I can’t seem to help myself. I unsnap the button of my skirt and lower the zipper before sliding it down my thighs. I bend over so that he’s able to get a good look at my ass.
And the thong covering it.
Contrary to what I said earlier, I didn’t go out sans underwear.
Please, what do you take me for?
I’ll save something like that for the fifth or sixth date.
Carter hisses out a breath.
As much as I want to turn and gloat, I open the top drawer of my dresser and pull out a comfy tank top that’s seen better days and sleep shorts that barely cover my behind.
“Why are you doing this?” he groans.
“What?” I pause. “Getting ready for bed?” I throw another careless look over my shoulder and meet his eyes. “Because I didn’t get a ton of sleep last night and I’m tired.”
“This is such a bad fucking idea.”
It’s the desperation in his voice that makes me turn toward him. As I do, his eyes roam over my body. Other than a thong, I’m naked. Even though I’m tempted to cover myself, I don’t. I keep my hands at my sides and let him look his fill.
“So you keep saying,” I respond calmly.
The heat of his gaze singes my flesh. I’ve never felt anything like it.
“Christ, Daisy…What are you trying to do to me?”
I take a step toward him. Then another. I move cautiously as if approaching a skittish animal. One that could bolt at any moment.
“I didn’t seek you out,” I remind him. “You were waiting for me in my bedroom.”
He rips his gaze from my body and I instantly feel the loss of it.
“I shouldn’t have,” he mumbles. “It was a shit decision on my part.”