Page 21 of Jack Frost, CEO
“What’s the featured show?” Marcus ruffles his daughter’s hair, peering at her device and wrinkling his nose. “Twilight? Really?”
Calista rolls her eyes. “Daaaaaad. Edward’s hot. Jenny is Team Jacob, but she’s obviously wrong.”
“Obviously,” Marcus deadpans. “Yeah, you can go. Straight to the room after unless you get permission.” He kisses her head, and the girl hops up and is on her way back to the lodge before he can get another word in.
“Dad, I’m going to head back with Calista. A bunch of us are going to hit up the arcade.”
Marcus fixes his son with a stern look. “Maxim....”
“I promise, Dad.” The kid crosses his heart with his fingers, and Marcus shakes his head.
“Fine. This is your last chance and only warning.” Using two fingers, Marcus gestures to his eyes before turning them toward Maxim.
“Message received, Dad. Thank you!” Maxim rushes after his sister, and we grab a seat and a coffee after returning my skis to the rental booth.
“Maxim fell in with a group of boys here at the resort last year. They weren’t the usual crowd, and there were some…” Marcus pauses before continuing. “…issues that ended up involving the authorities. Thankfully, it didn’t affect our membership to the resort, because we’re in excellent standing and have earned our tenure. The other families weren’t so lucky. We paid the restitution, and Maxim was made to work off the remaining incidentals, instead of enjoying the rest of his vacation. The lesson seems to have stuck, but we still worry.”
“The fact you worry means you’re a good parent. Bad parents never worry if they’re doing a good job. Trust me, I’ve seen my fair share of bad ones. I can tell your children love you, and you are definitely a dedicated father.” I’m staring at my coffee so intently that I miss the hand clapping on my shoulder.
“Thank you for that. As a parent, you always wonder if you’re making the right decisions. What about you and Maisie? Are you planning on having one or two running around soon?” Marcus shakes my shoulder, and I choke on my coffee.
“We haven’t discussed it. But not for a few more years, I think.” An image of Maisie round with my child flits through my head, and my pulse quickens. I clear my throat. “We were both raised as only children, and we don’t want that for our kids, so we would like to have at least two if we’re so blessed.” This is as good an answer as any and surprisingly accurate.
“We wanted to have more, but when Alexandra got pregnant with the twins, there were complications. We almost lost her. The doctor advised against trying for more. At the time, I was so thankful to have my little family all safe and sound and simply agreed. When the dust settled and Alexandra found out what happened, she was devastated… to put it mildly. It took a while for her to forgive me for that decision and I can’t blame her.”
Marcus finishes his coffee before stretching out his back.
“There will be days like that in your marriage too. Where you’re so mad—no, not mad—disappointed in the other person that you just don’t think you will be able to see the light of day anymore. And when those days come, and they will, you have to remember why they were your light to begin with.”
We sit in silence for several minutes before Marcus stands.
“We better get back to the resort and see what damage the ladies have done on our finances.”
We arrive back at the lodge fifteen minutes later. My chest is tight until I see Maisie again. She’s sitting at a table chatting with Alexandra. She throws her head back and laughs, and I can feel the band around my chest loosen. I don’t know why I was worried in the first place, but she appears to be doing better than okay, if the ease of conversation is any indication.
Alexandra has several bags, but Maisie is sporting one lone bag from the resort shop. I frown a bit before Marcus calls out a greeting, and both women turn to look at us. Maisie’s smile is a bit more hesitant, but I still move to the seat next to hers, bending down to brush a kiss against her lips.
“Did you ladies have fun?” I pull my chair close to Maisie and slide my arm around her shoulders.
“We did. I got a few new outfits and a couple of things for later.” Alexandra laughs and winks.
Marcus growls in response before pulling his wife close and pinning her with a passionate kiss.
Maisie glances in my direction, uncertainty evident on her face, and I turn to wink at her. “Did you have fun?” I whisper in her ear, and she nods before angling her head into my neck.
“Alexandra is really nice, and I had a good time. I didn’t spend too much, so don’t worry. I can pay you back.” Her voice is breathy and warm against my skin, and I shiver unexpectedly.
“I don’t care how much you spent. It’s still not enough. And I don’t want you to pay me back. After what you’re doing for me, please spend my money. Hell, bankrupt me! I can never repay you for this.” I brush my lips against her warm, ginger-and-honey skin on the curve of her neck, and her lips part with a gasp. I pull back slightly to look at her. Maisie’s pupils are blown wide. Just a tiny ring of blue remains.
A throat clears, and I pull myself back to find Alexandra and Marcus smiling at us.
“My apologies.” I grin, and Maisie buries her face in my shoulder.
“No, no. No apologies necessary. Would you like to join us for dinner? You may want to go to your cabin to freshen up, but I would love to discuss the contract more this evening. If you need to, you can borrow our Outback. That way, you don’t have to worry about getting wet and cold.” Marcus stands, and I stand as well and shake his hand.
“I’m sure my fiancée appreciates the offer. She’s not a fan of the wet and cold.” I chuckle when Maisie vehemently agrees with me.
“Oh, no, he’s right. I am not a fan. It’s beautiful, but I would much rather be warm and dry.”