Page 22 of Jack Frost, CEO
We share another laugh before Marcus tosses me his keys.
“Maisie can drive the Outback and I’ll take the snowmobile to the cabin. We’ll meet you back here at about eight?” I check my watch and notice it’s almost four.
“See you then!”
We make our way to the lobby, and I help Maisie get suited up again. When she resembles a puffed-up bright-pink penguin, I chuckle and lead her outside. The valet takes the key before scanning the QR code and bringing the Outback up to the curb. I help Maisie into the driver’s seat and adjust it so she can see.
“Follow me back to the cabin. Don’t slam on the brakes. Tap them.”
Maisie rolls her eyes. “Just because I don’t like snow doesn’t mean I don’t know how to drive in it. That said, I will make sure that nothing happens to our borrowed vehicle. Promise.” She crosses a finger over her chest, and I snort at her sass.
“C’mon, then.” I walk over to where we parked the snowmobile, which thankfully cranks up the first time after I unplug the block. And then we carefully caravan our way back to the cabin.
Chapter 17
Iwalk back into the cabin and immediately make tea. My nan always said every problem could be solved with a clear head and tea. My head was anything but clear right now, so the tea needed to step up its game.
The kettle is boiling when Jack makes it into the house from hooking up the vehicles. He’s strangely quiet, which only makes my nerves worse. He walks over and rekindles the flame before joining me at the bar. I set the tea in front of him, and he sips. We sit here, for what seems like hours, the crackling of the fire the only sound. Finally, I can’t take it anymore and slam my cup on the bar.
“Look, I’m sorry—” I start before Jack interrupts me.
“Thank you.” His voice is subdued but steady.
My jaw hits the benchtop. I take a moment to gather myself, but Jack continues before I can say anything.
“I know you only said what you said to help me. Asking you to keep up the charade… I know it’s not fair, especially to you. The fact that you are willing to do this for me means more than you will ever know. I keep trying to think of a way to repay you and nothing seems to match what you’re doing for me. One thing is certain, though, and that’s the fact that I do not deserve you, Maisie Mitchell.”
I gape at him. Out of all the things that could have come out of Jack Foster’s mouth, that was not what I expected. Which is why I blurt out such a ridiculous response. “I spent $2500 on one outfit.”
Jack chuckles. “After what you are doing for me, please spend my money.”
“Jack! That’s a lot of money. You can’t be serious!” I look at him like he has three heads, but his eyes soften, and he cups my jaw.
“I like how my name sounds coming out of your mouth. And, yes, I am serious. I don’t want you to worry about money—what you buy, when, or why. I want you to do whatever you want whenever you want. I imagine you and Alexandra will spend a lot of time together on this trip.” Jack winks at me before dropping his hand. “Now, we both have to prepare for dinner today, and I don’t know about you, but I could use some downtime. That said, we have to go over a few things first.”
Jack finishes his cup of tea and places it in the sink. Then he holds out his hand to me. I take it, and he pulls me close.
“We have to make this convincing, so we need to get used to touching each other.”
The combination of his voice whispering in my ear and the warmth from his body causes goose bumps. Jack Foster is a potent man, one reason I’ve always tried to keep my distance.
“Yes, w-w-w-we should do t-t-hat. Y-y-eah.” I’m stuttering, and I hate it. I haven’t stuttered since I was fourteen. When my crush, Paul Nobleman, asked me to the junior high prom.
When I lean into Jack, his hand on my jaw softly turns my head, and he brushes his mouth over mine. “Oh, Maisie. What am I going to do with you?”
The words glide across my lips like silk, and I sway on my feet. Jack’s free hand slides around my waist and pulls me flush against him. I can feel the heat in my cheeks. “Jack?”
He smells like cedar and cherries. It’s addicting, and I bury my face in his sweater. I stand here for a minute before trying to step back. No matter how good everything feels, I have to remember this is just a part I’m playing… and a mess I got myself into.
“I agree that we need to be more comfortable, but we should reserve that kind of… familiarity for when we’re at the resort. When we are here, we should maintain some professionalism.”
Jack chuckles low in his throat, and I can’t help but shiver. “Oh, but sweet, sweet Maisie, haven’t you ever heard the saying practice makes perfect? We have to sell our engagement to McIntyre. He’s smart, so we have to be convincing.”
“Hilarious.” I shove at his chest, and he releases me slightly.
Jack buzzes my lips with another kiss before dropping his arms and allowing me to back away slowly. “I’m not joking, Maisie. You may have started this charade, but I’m fully committed to seeing it through.”