Page 3 of Merciless Angel
Zane didn’t reply. Instead he strode from the yard with a furious gait, leaving me to follow. Okay then.
We rounded the house to the front where cars littered the driveway and street. Zane and I had walked over so we could enjoy a few drinks without worry. He angrily stalked ahead of me, forcing me to quicken my pace to keep up.
Feeling annoyed, I grabbed his arm and jerked him to a stop in the front yard. “What’s your problem? Why are you so pissy because I want to leave now?”
Zane roughly jerked his arm from my grasp. “I thought we were here to have a good time. I’ve had a rough week. I was looking forward to letting loose a little. I didn’t think you’d be such a killjoy.”
Although Zane and I hadn’t made an official commitment to one another, we’d spent a lot of time together over the last few months. We were more or less a couple without the label. I was starting to think that maybe we needed to talk about our relationship. This wasn’t looking like a good time for that though.
“I’m not a killjoy. I have responsibilities. Nothing is stopping you from staying here to party. I’d actually prefer that you do. I’m not in the mood to deal with your attitude.” My tone grew hard. I wasn’t the easily angered or argumentative type. I preferred to keep the peace. However, I wouldn’t let him talk crap to me either.
“My attitude?” Zane scoffed, clearly offended. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean? I’m not allowed to be pissed off after watching you flirt with another guy?”
My face flamed hot. “I wasn’t flirting with anyone. I barely spoke to him. Why do you care anyway? You’re the one who’s been seeing other people.”
Raina had told me about the time she caught Zane with another girl. Since I didn’t think we were exclusive, I hadn’t said anything. Anger made it pop out of my mouth now.
“That never meant anything,” Zane fired back. His face reddened, a vein in his forehead bulging. “I see the way Blaze looks at you. He wants you, and you like it.”
Of course that was why he was so mad. It had nothing to do with leaving the party early.
“That’s bullshit,” I insisted. “I can’t stand Blaze. Stop being so insecure and chill out.”
Telling an angry person to chill out never helped. Add alcohol to the mix, and a guy with a temper, and things went from bad to worse.
Zane moved fast. I wasn’t ready for it when he shoved me. I went down hard on the front walk, my tailbone slamming against the concrete. A pained yelp escaped me.
When Blaze emerged from the shadows beneath the large tree in the neighbor’s yard, I thought I was imagining things. Zane never saw it coming when Blaze punched him in the back of the head. Grabbing Zane’s shirt, Blaze threw him to the ground.
Before Blaze could continue his assault, I shoved to my feet and shouted, “Stop. Please, stop. Raina doesn’t want any fighting tonight.”
Nobody in the backyard would be aware of what was going on in the front. Regardless, I didn’t want to see anybody get hurt. When Blaze swung again, I launched myself at him. I grabbed his arm, holding tight.
Blaze froze, turning to face me. He gave a slow shake of his head. “Are you serious? This dumb fuck just pushed you. He deserves to have his face rearranged.”
“It’s fine. I’m okay. Really. Please, just go. You were supposed to leave.” I shoved against Blaze, trying to push him away from Zane. My efforts were pitiful.
To my utter relief, Blaze backed off. That’s when I noticed his friends, Cash and Daire, lurking down the block. They were ready to help him kill Zane.
“I don’t understand what you see in him, Rainbow, but if I were you, I’d cut him loose while you still can. Guys like him don’t change, and I’d hate to see anything happen to you.” Blaze lingered a moment, glancing at Zane who glared up at him from where he sat sprawled on the lawn.
Funny remark coming from a guy who’d been part of my friend’s abuse. Why would Blaze care if Zane hurt me or anyone else? He hardly seemed like the good guy type. I didn’t buy it for a minute.
I said nothing, watching as he joined his friends. They got into a silver Camaro and drove away.
Zane picked himself up off the ground. His anger had disappeared. Looking chagrined, he asked, “Are you okay? I’m sorry that I pushed you. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
My ass still throbbed. Unwilling to deal with him right now, I turned away. “I’m fine. I’m going home. Alone.”
He followed me several paces down the street. “Clover, come on. Don’t shut me out. Let me come back with you. I’ll make it up to you. I swear.”
Without looking back, I said, “I have nothing to say to you right now. Go home, Zane. Sober up. I’ll call you when I’m ready.”
I half expected him to follow me back to the dorm. When he didn’t, I sighed in relief. That was the first time he’d lashed out at me physically. I was stunned. It hurt both physically and emotionally.
I’d just reached the parking lot outside my dorm when I caught sight of a silver Camaro driving away. Did the Angels follow me home? I wasn’t sure how to feel about that. A shiver crept over me, making me hurry to let myself into the building.
The Angels certainly weren’t any safer than Zane. I knew without a doubt that they were far more dangerous.