Page 4 of Merciless Angel
I absently tapped a finger on the steering wheel in time with the beat of the music pounding through my car. Cash’s gangster rap playlist made the seats vibrate. Staring straight ahead, I drove through the city streets, my mind wandering.
We’d recently learned about a man who’d been released from jail after beating his pregnant girlfriend almost to death. Knowing that his type was likely to reoffend, we’d quickly dug up some info on where to find him. He wouldn’t be laying a hand on her again.
Rumor had it that we were vigilantes. I supposed that was as good a term as any. We saw a system that failed the victim almost every time. Someone had to do something about it. Might as well be us.
“I had to make her turn away while I fucked her though. I couldn’t stand to look her in the eyes after that.” Cash let out a bark of laughter. His story had gone in one ear and out the other. I wasn’t paying attention.
“You’re a better man than me,” Daire replied. “I’d have kicked her ass out.”
The two of them raised their voices over the music, talking shit about girls they’d screwed. I remained silent, having nothing to add to the conversation. Running on autopilot, I steered my Camaro along, hitting the brakes as the light ahead turned red.
“Why are you so quiet tonight?” Daire jabbed me in the ribs with an elbow.
“Ouch, dick. Don’t fucking do that.” Huffing at the red light, I ran a hand through my hair, shoving it off my forehead. “I’m not quiet. Just don’t have anything to say about fucking chicks that gross me out. I’d rather not.”
Daire spread both hands wide. “Hey, sometimes you just need a warm, wet hole. I’ll bet that colorful little thing you’ve been eyeing knows how to satisfy. She’s certainly hot enough.”
My fingers tightened on the steering wheel. The light turned green and I gunned it, making the engine roar. “Yeah, she’s pretty hot.”
I didn’t want to talk about Clover. I didn’t want to admit to anyone, not even myself, that I’d been thinking about her a lot since the party a few nights ago. Watching that piece of shit shove her to the ground had ignited something within me. A deep, aching need to kill. I’d have ended him right there if Clover hadn’t begged me to stop.
Listening to her pleas had done something to me. It had reached inside me and stoked the fires of my desire. I’d thought she was hot enough to flirt with but that night had made me want more. I wanted her. Knowing that abusive fuck Zane had her made me a little crazy.
“I still can’t believe you didn’t kill Zane for putting his hands on her,” Cash said, leaning forward in the backseat so he could be part of the discussion. “He deserves to have his hands broken.”
I nodded absently, driving along without really seeing my surroundings. “I didn’t want to do it in front of her. I’m not sure she could handle seeing that kind of thing. He’ll get what’s coming to him though.”
“Dude, where are you going? You missed the turn off.” Daire shot me an inquisitive glance. “You’re really into that chick, huh? You’ve been distracted as hell since you last saw her.”
“Fuck.” I slammed a hand on the wheel. “I’m just spaced out. It has nothing to do with her.”
Lies. Daire and Cash were my best friends. My brothers in so many ways. That didn’t mean I wanted them to know my every thought and feeling. They tended to be harder than me. Less likely to get attached to anyone or anything. I had a soft side they often ridiculed. I preferred to keep it to myself.
Of course, I wasn’t some sweet and sappy fuck either. My interests veered toward some messed up shit, according to chicks I’d fucked in the past. I couldn’t help it. I liked what I liked.
“You suck at lying, Blaze. Why bother?” Daire pulled a pack of cigarettes from his back pocket. He lit one up, blowing the smoke in my direction.
Waving the smoke out of my face, I opened the window and shot Daire a scowl. “I told you not to smoke in my car, dick.”
Refusing to acknowledge his remark about lying, I turned at the next corner, preparing to circle back to the street I’d missed. When he didn’t put out the cigarette, I snatched it from his hand and tossed it out my window. I didn’t pay through the nose for this car so he could stink it up.
“Fucker,” Daire muttered. He stubbornly pulled out another cigarette but didn’t light it.
Cash slapped the back of my headrest. “I think it’s up there on the next block.”
I nodded and headed for the building at the end of the next street. This part of downtown was filled with ramshackle structures that should have been torn down long ago. No self-respecting business would operate here. It was all seedy strip clubs and dive bars.
I parked on the street in front of the bar, making sure to arm the security system on my car. The streets were empty but I didn’t trust anyone who may come along not to fuck with my ride. Daire snorted a laugh at my concern before leading the way inside.
With his cocky swagger and the small lightning bolt inked beneath one eye, Daire had a punchable face. He was lucky that I wasn’t in the mood. Shoving my keys into my pocket, I followed him inside.
We’d been told that the guy we were looking for spent a lot of time in this dump. We paused in the entryway, taking a look around. The floors were scuffed and stained. The scent of cheap beer and piss hung on the air. Old boxy television sets hung in the corners playing a women’s basketball game. There were more people inside than I’d anticipated. They were all exactly the type one would expect to be in a place like this.
“I guess we should buy a drink and try to blend in.” Daire surveyed the scene, his nose wrinkling in disgust.