Page 43 of Merciless Angel
The small bedroom was quickly filled with Zane’s screams. Pulling a pillow off the bed, I held it over his face to muffle the noise. Cash and Daire worked together to pull his pants down. Zane fought so hard, Cash had to sit on his chest to hold him in place. His shriveled pecker looked like it was trying to climb inside his body.
Daire moved fast, slashing with the knife. He lopped that thing off with one swipe. Blood sprayed, covering Zane’s groin in crimson. His screams immediately stopped as he passed out.
“Might as well put him out of his misery.” Pressing the gun barrel to Zane’s forehead, I pulled the trigger, ending him.
Cash surveyed the mess, his lips pursed in thought. “How should we clean this up?”
It was a hell of a mess. I considered our options. “Burn it the fuck down.”
Taking the bloody knife from Daire, I went to the bed and cut through the ropes holding Clover. A sheen of perspiration dotted her forehead. She kept glancing at the mess that was Zane before tearing her gaze away.
“I can’t believe you did that,” she whispered. Her hands shook as she tried to scramble off the bed.
Passing the knife back to Daire, I scooped Clover up in my arms and carried her from the room. “Someone had to do it. He would have never stopped until he finally killed you.”
I set her down on the front step in the sun. Before heading back inside, I took a minute to look her over. The rope had cut deep red grooves into her wrists and ankles. Her face bore fresh bruises. It made me want to kill Zane all over again.
“Stay put. I’ll be right back.”
It didn’t take long to get a good fire started in the bedroom. We waited until it was guaranteed to spread before fleeing the cabin. With Clover safely in the car with us, I let myself breathe again.
She was mine. Nothing and nobody was going to change that. Not even her.
“Do you think she needs a hospital?” Cash glanced over at me, his brow furrowed. “Do you need a hospital, Sunshine?”
I shook my head, absently running a finger over the rope burn on my wrist. “No, I’m okay. He didn’t hurt me much. I’m just really tired and thirsty.”
All I wanted was to go back to my dorm and sleep for three days. I didn’t think I’d ever forget the sound of Zane’s screams as they cut his fucking dick off. I still couldn’t believe they’d done that.
One of them fucked you with the hilt of the knife he used to cut the damn thing off. Of course they did that.
The thought echoed through my head, reminding me that these guys were ruthless killers. They may have saved me but they were not heroes. Were they?
“How did you find me?” I dared to ask.
I sat in the backseat of the Camaro with Cash, watching the rural scenery fly by out the window. Even though I’d only been with Zane for eight or nine hours, it had felt like a lifetime. I’d wondered if anyone would find me. His promises to take me far away had shaken me to the core.
“We went to the Sinners for help.” Daire turned in his seat to face me. “They were able to find records of the cabin and its location.”
The Sinners didn’t help anyone for nothing. Raina had gone to them too. They’d asked a lot of her.
“What did they charge you for that information?” I felt weird asking, but I needed to know.
Blaze met my eyes through the rearview mirror. “Five grand and a favor to be called in at any time. For what it’s worth, I’d have paid more.”
Something in his amber brown eyes made me uneasy. It was a little too much like the obsession I’d seen in Zane.
“Thank you,” I said quietly, averting my gaze.
To my surprise and dismay, they didn’t take me back to my dorm. Instead, Blaze drove straight to the Angel house.
“What’s going on?” Panic filled me at the thought of escaping Zane only to become their captive.
“I think it’s best for you to stay here for a while,” Blaze said, turning off the engine. “You’ll be safe here.”