Page 44 of Merciless Angel
Daire’s little chuckle didn’t make me feel safe. Blaze punched him in the arm.
“What about my things? I don’t even have my phone.” My voice rose with each word. Fear took hold, making my palms sweat and my face hot.
“We’ll go get your things, okay? One thing at a time. Let’s get you hydrated and rested first.” Blaze took my hand, pulling me from the car.
Exhausted and sore, I let him lead me into the house. It wasn’t like I had a choice. Not that I ever did with the Angels.
After chugging as much water as my stomach would hold, I accepted Blaze’s offer of a bath. Soaking in a tub of hot water sounded amazing right then. My dorm room only had a stand up shower.
“I doubt the hygiene products are as good as whatever you use. We’ll get your things later tonight. I’m sure you’re sick of wearing my clothes but I’ll bring you something clean.” Blaze placed clean towels on the bathroom counter.
The tub was a gorgeous soaker tub with jets and everything. I’d never been so happy to see a bathtub. Part of me expected Blaze to stay and watch, so when he left the room, I was elated to be alone.
While the water ran in the tub, I stripped down, making sure the door was locked. Not that I expected a lock to keep them out if they really wanted to get in here. I stood in front of the mirror, taking a good, long look at myself.
The young woman staring back at me was familiar yet different than I was used to. Something had changed. I saw it in my eyes. They were a duller shade of blue than usual. The light within them had dimmed. The past few weeks had tested me in ways I’d never expected.
I’d grown up living a pretty sheltered life. My parents had been overprotective, doing their best to keep my brother and me from the harsh realities of the real world. That didn’t stop me from sneaking around with my friends and getting into typical teen trouble. Although I’d never experienced anything remotely close to what life had recently dealt me.
I’d come to Ravencrest University with dreams of building a future for myself and enjoying the campus party scene while I was at it. Not for a second had I anticipated life taking such a twisted turn.
I stepped into the tub and sat down, sighing as the hot water washed over me. What I wouldn’t give to talk to Raina right now. As soon as I got my phone back, I was calling her. Only she could provide guidance for dealing with such a screwed up situation.
Sinking down so the water came up to my neck, I closed my eyes in an effort to relax. Immediately images of Zane on top of me flashed behind my eyelids. They were followed by the detailed memory of the Angels brutally mutilating him before the final bullet that finished him off.
There had been so much blood. And his screams. They would live in the recesses of my mind for the rest of my life.
I covered my ears with both hands as if that would help. A sob lodged in my throat as my eyes filled with tears. I didn’t want to fall apart over this. Once I gave in to the emotion, I may never come back. The shock and trauma of being kidnapped had me in a chokehold. Having my saviors also be the men who’d given me the choice between death or being their toy didn’t help.
I let a few stray tears slide down my cheeks before wiping them away with water. My chest heaved as I sucked in several deep breaths. What was with the men in this city? Bunch of psychotic bastards.
When the water started to cool uncomfortably, I washed up and got out. Total and utter exhaustion hit hard, making it hard to keep my eyes open. I slid on the clean t-shirt and shorts Blaze had left me, wishing I had some fresh underwear. After dragging someone’s brush through my damp hair, I opened the door and peered into the hallway.
One bedroom door stood open. I padded over to it and glanced inside.
Blaze lay sprawled on the bed with his phone in one hand. Shirtless wearing only boxers, his taut body drew my gaze. His abs were perfectly defined, tempting me to sink my teeth into him. When he saw me standing there, he placed his phone on the side table and motioned me over.
“Hey there, Rainbow. You look tired. Come climb in with me. I promise not to bite. This time.” He moved over on the double bed, patting the space next to him.
The promise of sleep lured me. I crossed the room, noting that it was neither small nor large but had a cozy vibe. A guitar on a stand had been propped next to the dresser. A small TV perched on top. A few clothing items littered the floor despite the laundry basket in one corner.
Trying to ignore the awkward sensation that took over as I got into the bed with Blaze, I accepted the pillow he offered and did my best to get comfortable.
“What time is it?” I asked. The blinds were drawn, blocking out the light.
“Almost five. We’ll sleep for a few hours and then grab some food and your things. Sound good?” Blaze laid down next to me, giving me some space.
I kept expecting him to paw at me or demand something from me. This nice act was suspicious as hell. I didn’t trust it for a moment.
“Yeah, that sounds great. Thanks.” I rolled onto my side, facing away from him. His scent was everywhere. Every breath I took was filled with Blaze. To my chagrin, I didn’t hate it.
The silence that fell was deafening. I was almost relieved when Blaze broke it by asking, “Are you okay, Clover? Do you want to talk about anything that happened?”
“Not really.” I shook my head, burrowing deeper under the blankets. After another moment of strained silence I said, “You guys make it look so easy. Killing someone. Doesn’t it bother you?”
Blaze shifted his position so he faced me even though I faced away. “It used to. I was seventeen the first time I killed someone. A neighbor. He and my dad didn’t get along. They were always arguing about stupid shit like where the property line was and reporting each other for minor offenses.
“One day it escalated. They fought. The neighbor smashed my dad over the head with a rock. Put him in a coma that he never came out of. He was only going to get a few years in jail. So I broke into his house and forced him to eat a bottle of pills. It was ruled a suicide. Some people deserve it, Clover. That makes it easier.”