Page 85 of Truck Me
She leans forward and rests her elbows on the truck.
“But …” she pauses and watches me closely, “I’d prefer to ride with you, big guy. If that’s okay.”
I narrow my eyes. “You’re lucky we’re in public and your niece is here.”
“Oh, yeah?” She laughs and steps around the truck. When she stops next to me, she runs her gloved finger along the edge of my coat. “And why is that?”
I lean into her touch and lower my voice to a low grumble. “Because otherwise, I’d bend you over my knee and spank you for teasing me like that.”
She sucks in a breath. “Is that all you’d do?”
“No.” I lean in closer to her ear. “After I turned your round ass red, I’d show you just how big of a guy I am.”
She swallows and turns her head, so her lips are just touching my ear. “I’m counting on that later.”
Then she pats my chest and walks toward the hill. I groan and adjust myself before I grab the tube. It’s an uncomfortable walk with the tube positioned in front of me. Thankfully, by the time I make it to the top, my dick has calmed down.
“Is that Jerry?” Charlotte points at the man standing close to the treeline at the top of the hill.
“Yep. That’s Jerry. He’s probably watching for deer.”
Gerald Mayer, otherwise known in this town as Jerry Deer, is the resident drunk who rides around town on his bicycle. He’s famously known for his bizarre and unusual accident when he hit a deer riding his bicycle while completely wasted. Unfortunately, the deer didn’t survive, and Jerry was hospitalized for several days. Ever since then, he insists the deer are evil and out for revenge.
“Huh,” she says. “I’m surprised to see him. I guess there’s a part of me that always assumed he’d be gone. Is that bad of me?”
She looks up at me with a pained expression. I shrug. “Considering he still drinks enough to drown half this town, no. So don’t feel bad.”
She stares at me for a moment, then takes off toward Jerry. I watch with rapt attention as she walks right up to him as if they’re long-lost friends.
“Hey, Jerry. You probably don’t remember me, but I saw you here and wanted to say hi.”
Jerry turns to her, studies her for a moment, then a wide smile spreads across his face. “Of course I remember you, Miss Charlotte. I couldn’t forget a beauty like you. You were the prettiest Miss Oktoberfest Queen this town ever saw. From the looks of you, you’re still the prettiest.”
“Thanks, Jerry. That’s really sweet of you.” She gives him her beauty queen smile, the one that I don’t particularly like because I know it’s fake. She glances toward the trees before she looks back at Jerry. “What are you doing over here?”
He leans in close and drops his voice. “Guarding the kids.”
“From what?”
“The deer. They’re hiding in the woods, just waiting for everyone to turn their backs so they can attack. Can’t let that happen.”
“Oh, come on, Jerry,” I say as I squeeze his shoulder. He jerks his head in my direction as if he’s just now realizing I’m here too.
“Garret! I didn’t see you there.” He smiles and the smell of alcohol on his breath as me wincing. “Are you here with Miss Charlotte?”
“I am. We brought Rayne to go tubing.”
Jerry looks behind us just as Rayne pushes off the ground and goes flying down the hill. Bullet manages to keep pace and is running right next to her. She squeals in excitement as she picks up speed before she reaches the bottom. Bullet barks out when Rayne gets too far ahead of her.
“Good, good.” He nods. “I’ll keep a close watch then. Wouldn’t want those damn deer hurting her. Or any of the kids, for that matter. You’ve got my word. I’ll keep this place safe.”
“Alright.” I reach for Charlotte, and she takes my hand. It feels nice, natural even to do so. “If you need anything, you be sure to ask me, okay?”
He nods once, then turns his attention back to the woods.
I lead Charlotte back toward the edge of the hill and place the tube on the ground. I motion for her to sit, but she stares at Jerry instead.
“Is he okay?” she asks. “He seems a little … Off.”