Page 86 of Truck Me
I shrug. “He’s been like that for years. Doesn’t matter what anyone says to him, he insists the deer are out to get us all. We finally stopped trying to convince him otherwise. He’s not hurting anyone, so we let him be.”
“That’s so sad though. He even looks sad.”
“Yeah, I suppose. Then again, we all have our own sad stories. Some of us just handle it better than others.”
Her gaze shifts to mine, and the sadness I see there makes me uncomfortable. She knows I have my own sad story, and she thinks she knows just how bad it really is.
But there’s one part of my story I’m not sure I can ever tell her. From the way she’s looking at me, I sense she knows there’s more I’m not telling her too.
“Are you going to climb in or not?” I ask, my voice rougher than I intended. I clear my throat before I meet her gaze.
“Yes.” She turns quickly and climbs in.
She scoots her body close to the front, leaving plenty of room for a normal sized person to fit. Since I’m bigger than the average person, it’s going to be tight. I can’t believe I thought all three of us could fit in one of these things.
I step around her, placing a foot on either side of her. She glances over her shoulder and quirks a brow, giving me a teasing look. Holding her gaze, I slowly lower until I’m squeezed in behind her. There’s plenty of room for my ass, but my long legs are scrunched up and pressed way too close to my chest.
“Here, let me adjust.” She scoots back, pressing her ass into my cock. I instantly grow hard. She must feel it because she laughs. Then she crosses her legs, crisscross style, and pats my knee.
“Wrap your legs around me. It’ll be more comfortable.”
“For whom?” I grumble. “If I do that, my dick is going to be doing a lot more than just poking you in the ass.”
She wiggles her ass, pushing me even closer to the edge.
“Princess.” I warn. “You need to stop doing that.”
“Or what?” She tosses me another one of those seductive grins that makes me want to spank her hard.
I lean forward and whisper to her. “Come over tonight, and you’ll find out.”
Before she can respond, I reach behind me and push us forward. We fly down the hill before she’s ready. She cries out in surprise and clings to my legs for dear life.
It’s a feeling I love way too much.
I wrap my arms around her midsection and hold her close to my chest. She leans into me and rests her head on my shoulder. Having her in my arms like this makes me feel more alive than I have in a really long time. I want to keep her here, and that’s a dangerous thing to want.
My feelings for Charlotte are growing stronger and stronger with each passing moment we share. I want to protect her, keep her safe, and shield her from all the pain this world has thrown at her so far.
I want to make her mine and forget about all the reasons we shouldn’t be together.
Unfortunately, it’s me I should protect her from.
If she finds out the truth about my past, I’ll hurt her far worse than anyone or anything else ever has.
I’m not sure I’ll be able to live with myself if that day comes.
Chapter 19
Secrets never remain secrets for long.
It’s a little after six when I make my way downstairs. I told my parents I’d be eating out tonight. I didn’t tell them where or with who, only that I’d be leaving before they sat down for dinner themselves.
Mom didn’t ask questions, and I didn’t provide her with any details.
Dad and Rayne are in the living room watching TV. A Simpsons rerun is playing and Homer does something ridiculous that makes Dad laugh.