Page 51 of Truck Off
Christian sees me first. As usual, he’s working on a custom motorcycle build. That’s about all he does anymore. He’s highly sought after and is damn good at what he does. Plus, it’s what helped to get and keep him clean.
Once he poured himself into building bikes, it kept his focus on something he loved far more than the high he was always chasing with drugs. Motorcycles saved him where nothing else could.
He meets my gaze, and I grin. He lifts a brow in silent question.
Why are you so damn happy?
I get to see Lina today.
She talking to you yet?
Nope, but I’m about to change that.
My grin widens, and Christian’s frown deepens. He sympathizes with me, but he also thinks I’ve messed things up to the point of no return with Lina. He hasn’t said as much, but I see it in his expression.
Maybe I have screwed things up too badly, but I refuse to give up without a fight. Not after the way Lina’s lips felt against mine. My body still shudders every time I think about it.
“What are you doing here?” Liam asks once he sees me. “Thought you still had fields to plant.”
“Can’t today. I’ve gotta meet Clara and the team to check out the bus for the derby race. Apparently it needs a lot of work to get it running. Came by to borrow some tools.”
“Isn’t Lina on that team?” Ash asks with a teasing grin. He loves picking on me more than my other brothers. Probably because I’m the one always giving him shit too. You reap what you sow.
I grin, refusing to let anything get me down today. “Yep. It’s gonna be a good day.”
“Heard she’s pissed. Like volcanic eruption level pissed. You might not survive the aftermath if she blows.”
Ash is not wrong, but all I can do is smile. Lina’s got passion, I’ll give her that. All I have to do is figure out how to redirect that passion into loving me instead of hating me.
I pause at that thought and my grin grows wider. We’re a long, long way from love, but I’d enjoy that journey if she let me in. Something inside me swells with excitement, and my determination to win her over intensifies.
“Yeah,” I say with a sigh. “I’m looking forward to absorbing whatever she throws at me.”
Ash gives me a funny look. One that suggests he doesn’t recognize the fool standing in front of him. If he’s thinking I’m a fool, he’s not wrong. I am one hundred percent a fool for Lina. Always have been. I only just now got my chance to let it all out.
“Dude, she’s gonna tear you apart,” Mac says as he walks up beside me, wiping grease from his hands. “Lina’s tough. She doesn’t take shit from anyone.”
“Her strength is one of my favorite things about her.” Against my will, my mind strays to Mom and how weak and pathetic she is. I could never date someone like her. I need a strong, independent woman who knows her self-worth. Lina is exactly that.
Ash cackles. “Well, I’m gonna pop some popcorn and kick my feet back and enjoy the show. Watching her tear you apart is going to be fun.”
“Not as much fun as it’s gonna be for me to let her.” I slap him on the shoulder and push past him.
All I can do is smile. If I let his words sink in, they’ll fester and eat away at my confidence. I need all the confidence I can get if I’m going to pursue Lina with any level of success.
Needing to take the attention off me, I turn to Christian. “You and Garret playing in the next poker match?”
He nods. “Liam is thinking about playing too.”
I turn a surprised expression to our oldest brother. He rarely ever plays. In fact, Christian and Garret are the only ones that ever do. “What brought this on?”
Liam shrugs. “Figured it was time to have some fun. I miss playing.”
“Well shit.” Ash rubs his neck and stares at the ground like he’s thinking harder than he’s used to doing. “I’ll have to change my plans so I can be there. No way I can miss three of you kicking Koch ass at poker.”
“What plans you got?” Mac stares at him with a furrowed brow. Ash and Mac spend the most time together since they work so closely on the racecars. I used to be right there beside them before I stepped back. I miss the assholes.
“Um.” He scans the room with a nervous gaze. “I’ve kinda been seeing someone.”