Page 52 of Truck Off
“What?!” This comes from Sophia, who has been quietly working since I arrived. Should’ve known she was listening in on everything we’re saying.
She rolls out from under the car she’s working on and scowls at Ash. “As in a girlfriend?”
Ash lets out a nervous chuckle. “Yeah, a girlfriend. Her name is Andrea.”
We all stare at him like he just grew two heads.
He takes a tentative step back like we’re going to pounce on him. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Sophia steps past all of us and right up into Ash’s face with her hands on her hips. She’s a natural redhead and can be a force of nature. “I thought you were just messing around.”
Ash shakes his head. “Nah, I really like her. Met her at a race a few months ago. She lives in Chillicothe.”
The garage goes completely silent as we all absorb this information. From everyone’s reaction, it’s safe to say no one knew about this.
Ash scowls. “What’s wrong with you assholes? Is it that shocking that a girl wants to date me?”
Sophia crosses her arms over her chest and glowers. “Does Clara know?”
Something a hell of a lot like fear flashes across Ash’s eyes. He shakes his head. “Wanted to make sure it would stick before I brought it up. Seems to be sticking.”
“You’re an idiot.” Sophia punches him in the arm and spins around. She goes back to work, mumbling under her breath. I’m pretty sure I heard her call Ash a few choice names, but I can’t be certain.
Ash looks dejected and confused. “I don’t get it. Why is everyone looking at me like I’ve done something wrong?”
Liam steps up to him and squeezes his shoulder. “You’re fine, man. We’re just surprised, is all. If you like this girl, we’re happy for you. Bring her with you to poker night. We’d love to meet her.”
Ash nods, still looking forlorn. “Yeah, okay. I think I will. Andrea is a nice girl. I think you’ll like her.”
“Good.” Liam gives him a gentle smile while the rest of us are still staring like he’s given us the worst news ever. “Looking forward to it.”
Ash ignores us and heads back to the car. Liam looks between the rest of us, giving us a look that says to drop it. He’s always the peacemaker and fierce protector of us.
He may have encouraged Ash to bring his new girl around, but I can tell he’s thinking the same thing we are. Ash is an idiot and Clara is going to be hurt.
That girl has been in love with Ash since they were kids, and he’s completely blind to it. I think the only thing that keeps giving Clara hope is Ash never brings girls around. I don’t think either of them has openly dated other people around each other since high school. Almost like it’s been some kind of unspoken rule in their friendship.
This has disaster written all over it.
I can only hope Sophia will give Clara fair warning so her heart doesn’t shatter when she sees him with another woman for the first time.
* * *
By the time I make it to the shop behind the high school, the rest of my team members are already there. They’re huddled over a table in the corner looking at designs Lina’s come up with for the bus.
Since no one has seen me enter, I take a moment to look around the old building I haven’t been inside of in over twelve years. Being a gearhead, I spent as much time in this shop as was allowed back in school. I had no interest in English literature or math or any kind of science. All I ever wanted was to farm my family’s land and tinker with cars.
While most of my classmates were applying to colleges and dreaming up a life far away from this small town, I was already living my dream. Graduating from high school was just a formality for me.
If Grams hadn’t demanded we all graduate, I’d bet half of us Mutter men would have dropped out. It’s not like it would have changed a thing about our lives. I’d still be farming. Liam would still manage the garage. Christian would still make custom motorcycles. And Ash and Mac would still be racing cars.
Warren and Garret are the only ones that have done something different with their lives. Not that Garret needed his high school diploma to be a handyman, but he runs his own business separate from the family.
Warren is the only one that went to college. He went all the way, earning his bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD degrees in some kind of mechanical and automotive engineering. It’s all way too smart for me. All I know is he’s some big important racecar designer in North Carolina.
He may have fancy degrees and be smarter than the rest of us, but he’s still a gearhead at heart. He loves fast cars just as much as the rest of us.
Clara spots me first and gives me a little wave. I take this as my cue to join the team. So I slip into the space right next to Lina and lean down close to her ear. “Love the eagle. Those claws look deadly.”